Sounds like a problem with circulation. You need to move around more to keep your blood moving. If you sit too long or sit on your feet, they "fall asleep." Move them more often, get up, walk around, and your feet will not fall asleep so much.
It appears you should be wary of falling asleep with noone around to wake you during a nightmare.
In Silence..You hear the Sound of Silence. People who can hear voices or music is because they are very peaceful and their mind very still. You can hear the Sound of Silence if you meditate and still your mind. _____________ This may have nothing whatever to do with religion or the occult. Experiences like this can be quite natural, even if they appear to be similar to hallucinations. When they happen while falling asleep they are called 'hypnagogic', and when they happen while waking they are called 'hypnopompic'.
The episode was dedicated to Ricky Zieba, a 22 year old Concordia student and varsity football player who died on June 24 by falling asleep at the wheel.
He isn't asleep just looking like he is asleep because Vampires cant sleep!
There is a song in the VeryPoter Musical. Ron and Mouthboy sing I`m falling in love with herminie Granger.
to keep from falling asleep
your foot is probably falling asleep
I think you did not have enough sleep, or you get bored very easily. Try to test out these things to find out why you keep falling asleep
because they are poops
It is called narcolepsy.
because you sleep for 12 hours and keep on farting
it's just your foot falling asleep, personally i like it.
When we stand for a long time, pressure on nerves and blood vessels in our feet can restrict blood flow and cause numbness, tingling, and the sensation of our feet "falling asleep."
In my experience with narcolepsy...I don't have any trouble falling asleep at night. It takes me less than a minute to fall asleep after I turn my lights off. Every case is different though, but I think the general consensus would be no, narcoleptics have no trouble falling asleep regardless the time of day.
Falling asleep: voluntary Being put to sleep: involuntary
your feet are not able to fall off because they are connected to your body.
falling asleep