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because he was the only boy in his school with Asthma

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Q: Why do you think piggy tells Ralph he has asthma with a touch of pride?
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How does Ralph react to Piggy's idea to make a sundial?

Ralph ridicules it as pointless by saying "yes and then we could build a radio and a televison." When Piggy explains that all you need is a stick to make a sundial Ralph tells Piggy to, "Shut up."

How does Ralph hurt Piggy's feelings?

he keeps on saying piggy piggy and he lets jack and the other know his name and they teases him about it

Examples of betrayal in Lord of the Flies?

I suppose there is one example of betrayal which stands out. It occurs in the first chapter when Piggy reveals his nickname to Ralph and tells him, and I quote, "So long as you don't tell the others---." However Ralph tells the meeting of boys, I quote, "He's not Fatty, his real name's Piggy." Later Piggy remonstrated with Ralph and said, "You told 'em. After what I said."

Why does Jack get so angry when Ralph shows he is worried about Piggy in lord of the flies?

dunno man Piggy clings to Ralph he admires him and wants to be friends with him. Ralph has no interest in this and makes fun of Piggy, he tells all the other boys on the island about the nickname piggy. Ralph and all the others are bothered by piggys speeches and outbursts eventually Ralph realizzes that piggy is a good friend

What secret did Piggy entrust to Ralph?

The 'secret' which Piggy entrusted to Ralph was that at school he had been nicknamed Piggy. Once he tells Ralph and Ralph later reveals this to the rest of the boys the nickname is used whenever he is referred to and his real name is never actually revealed.

Related questions

What are three things that best represent the character 'Piggy' in 'The Lord of the Flies'?

Piggy tells Ralph that his parents are dead and he lives with his auntie, he has asthma, and the kids at school call him Piggy.

In what sense do Ralph and Piggy complement one another while dealing with the conch?

Ralph represents the leadership and authority associated with the conch, using it to maintain order and call meetings. Piggy, on the other hand, provides intellectual support by advising Ralph on how to use the conch effectively and reminding him of its importance. Together, they form a balanced partnership that combines physical and intellectual strengths in managing the group.

How does Ralph react to Piggy's idea to make a sundial?

Ralph ridicules it as pointless by saying "yes and then we could build a radio and a televison." When Piggy explains that all you need is a stick to make a sundial Ralph tells Piggy to, "Shut up."

How does Ralph hurt Piggy's feelings?

he keeps on saying piggy piggy and he lets jack and the other know his name and they teases him about it

Who stays behind at the campsite in chapter 6 in the book Lord of the Flies?

Ralph tells Piggy to stay at the campsite when the rest of the biguns go in search of the beast. He does this because he feels that the littluns need protection and reassurance now that they know there may really be a beast. Ralph also realises that Piggy, with only one lens in his spectacles and his asthma would be a liability in their hunt.

Why does Jack get so angry when Ralph shows he is worried about Piggy in lord of the flies?

dunno man Piggy clings to Ralph he admires him and wants to be friends with him. Ralph has no interest in this and makes fun of Piggy, he tells all the other boys on the island about the nickname piggy. Ralph and all the others are bothered by piggys speeches and outbursts eventually Ralph realizzes that piggy is a good friend

Examples of betrayal in Lord of the Flies?

I suppose there is one example of betrayal which stands out. It occurs in the first chapter when Piggy reveals his nickname to Ralph and tells him, and I quote, "So long as you don't tell the others---." However Ralph tells the meeting of boys, I quote, "He's not Fatty, his real name's Piggy." Later Piggy remonstrated with Ralph and said, "You told 'em. After what I said."

What secret did Piggy entrust to Ralph?

The 'secret' which Piggy entrusted to Ralph was that at school he had been nicknamed Piggy. Once he tells Ralph and Ralph later reveals this to the rest of the boys the nickname is used whenever he is referred to and his real name is never actually revealed.

The meeting breaks up in a scatter of noise and excitement. What does Piggy suggest Ralph do to bring the meeting back to order?

He tells Ralph to blow the conch

What does Ralph tell about piggy that humiliates him?

Ralph tells the other boys that Piggy's real name is not "Piggy," but rather "Percival Wemys Madison." This revelation humiliates Piggy because it exposes his vulnerability and makes him feel even more out of place among the other boys.

Who volunteers to return to the little ones and piggy with the message?

Simon tells Ralph he doesn't mind goingback to the beach

What excuse does Ralph give to let piggy stay behind to look after the Littlhuns in the book lord of the files?

Ralph tells Piggy to stay behind to look after the Littluns by saying that he needs Piggy to take care of things during his absence and keep an eye on the younger boys. He also reassures Piggy that he will come back soon.