The reason why you die when you break your neck is because of a severed spinal cord. if you are luck this does not happen. and you just end up paralyzed with limited abilitys. I was lucky I broke my neck about a year ago and only has some minor nerve damage in my arm but i have since fully recovered.
Yeah they did because i checked it onwikipedia and they said that he suffered a minor neck injury in mid-june '09 and since hhh got him in the neck he aggravated the injury therefore breaking his neck.
Well umm Kane does that because he wants to break his neck.
. She got old, older. Neck rings, bags under eyes, jowls are a sign of aging. The woman's almost 50, give her a break.
He got shot in the back of the neck and the head.
No, Brock Lesnar has not broken his neck. In 2002, Lesnar legitimately injured Hardcore Holly's neck in a match, which left Holly in need of neck surgery and being out of action for a year. In 2003 Lesnar botched a shooting star press and jammed his head and neck by hitting Kurt Angle's side and rib cage. Due to that Lesnar had suffered a concussion.
you'll break your neck
you could break your neck, become paralyzed, and/or die.
some people die from sneezing
Andre did not break his neck
Yes. If you break your neck, you can die instantly. When a person is hung by the neck, the attempt is made to break the neck, causing instant death. They have never tried to execute someone by tying the rope around their back, and then dropping them through a trap door.
If you have a severed spinal cord then its right away. but its not like you break your neck and you are dead. i broke my neck and i am still alive a year later, with full functions.
Break Ya Neck was created on 2001-08-25.
Breaking your neck can be a serious injury, potentially leading to paralysis or death if the spinal cord is damaged. The outcome depends on the severity and location of the break. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a neck injury.
When you break yo neck
No, even if you were traveling at 70 mph on a motorcycle, it will not break your neck.
At Break-Neck Speed - 1900 was released on: USA: December 1900