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The boys are asked by Jack to vote against Ralph but it is only too plain to them that Ralph has done nothing wrong and that Jack simply wants to be leader, even to the point of lying about Ralph. The boys are embarrassed by Jack's behaviour and refuse to be party to his obvious attempt to overthrow Ralph in favour of himself. Later however the boys join Jack for the fun of hunting in preference to the rules and work involved in building shelters and maintaining the fire, which they feel is all that Ralph has to offer.

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6y ago

They voted for Raplh first as he was holding the conch and he had the physical apperance "he could make a boxer one day" that the younger ones felt would protect and look after them.

However they join Jack later on as the fear of the beast increases as they believe that Jack and the hunters will protect them from the beast.
When Jack calls for a vote of no confidence in Ralph all the other boys know that Ralph has done absolutely nothing wrong and they clearly see that Jack's only reason for asking for the vote is simple jealously. They all know that Jack just wants to be leader himself and they feel a little embarrassed that he is trying to involve then in his intrigues by asking them to publicly back him against Ralph. However once Jack has left the boys drift to him in ones and two, probably feeling that they are simply joining him to have fun hunting pigs without publicly appearing to offer support to his leadership claims or publicly turning against Ralph.
It is because at the very beginning of the story Ralph was the one who held the conch and blew it to gather the group. It seems that Ralph has done something for the group. Also, he has a fair appearance (which is mentioned by the book 'without evilness'), so the boys vote for him at first. However after realizing Jack has a strong physical power of hunting pigs and the spread of the fear (beast), the boys started thinking that Jack was the obvious leader who can protect them. As a result, the boys intended to follow Jack and having fun (hunting and dancing) all the time ^^
They wanted the meat that Jack provided
because jack might have been a bigun but he wasnt ment for leadership like ralf he was just rude. but the other boys only ran off to join him because he made a verry convincing arguement and he promised the slaying of the beast not to mention actual meals....
When Jack asks the boys to put up their hands if they don't want Ralph to be leader none of the boys oblige. They know that Jack has told lies about Ralph and is simply motivated by his own personal ambition. They don't wish to be party to such an obvious attempt to take power away from Ralph for the wrong reasons. However the boys are happy to join Jack to go hunting for pigs.

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12y ago

They refuse to vote for jack because he wasn't very smart and chief seems no better equal with every body. And he also protec the younger kids.

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Q: Why do the boys refuse to vote for Jack as chief but slip off to join him later?
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In Lord of the Flies who is leader of group?

During the first meeting, which was held in chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell, Ralph was elected as the chief. Later in the book Jack formed his own tribe and appointed himself as chief.

What happens when Jack asks Ralph's followers to join him?

Most of the boys agree to join Jack's tribe, despite Ralph pointing out that he is the chief and that Jack has no shelters to use during the coming storm. Then the storm which has been building up finally breaks and Jack tells the boys to, "Do our dance! Come one! Dance!"

Which two things does Ralph say that insult Jack?

During the meeting when Jack talks of hunting the beast Ralph describes Jack's hunters as, "boys armed with sticks." Later, during the confrontation at Castle Rock, Ralph calls Jack a Thief.

What decisions are made at the meeting held the first evening in lord of the flies?

Civilization or savagery? Life or death? The decisions that are made during the first meeting are that Ralph is elected to be chief and he appoints Jack to be in charge of his former choir, which Jack decides should in future be hunters. The boys also decide on rules with regard to speaking at the meetings and perhaps most important of all, after Ralph raises the issue, they decide to build a signal fire on the mountain top in the hope of attracting passing ships or planes, with a view to being rescued.

How do the boys feel about Jack's departure?

the other boys feel like they need to jack in the group. while they are building the signal fire the boys sneak off and go and join Jack's group.

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Was there a chief of the boys in Lord of the Flies?

Ostensibly it is Ralph, although his position is challenged later in the story by Jack

How can you tell at the next meeting that Jack has grown very antagonistic towards Ralph?

Jack basically tries to publicly usurp Ralph's role as chief. Jack accuses Ralph of not being a "real" chief. He accuses Ralph of being weak, liking Piggy and making the boys do boring things. He chastises Ralph for fearing the beast and not getting meat. Jack then asks for a re-vote. The boys don't openly vote Ralph out. Jack goes into tantrum mode and storms off. Most of the boys join him later.

How many people voted Ralph shouldn't be chief in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," after the boys' assembly, only Jack and his choirboys vote for Jack to be chief. This means the majority of the boys, including Ralph, did not vote for Jack to be chief.

In lord of the flies How is jack elected chief?

Jack is elected chief in "Lord of the Flies" because of his assertive and aggressive personality, which appeals to the boys' desire for strength and power. Jack also takes charge of tasks like hunting, which earns him respect and support from the other boys.

Which boy blew the conch?

The main boy, Ralph, who is later to become the first chief of the boys

Did Jack tell Ralph in Lord of the Flies to quit as chief?

No, in "Lord of the Flies," Jack did not directly tell Ralph to quit as chief. Instead, he used manipulation and rebellion to undermine Ralph's leadership and eventually take control himself.

Why does jack call an assembly how does he persuade the boys to elect him as chief?

Jack calls an assembly to assert his authority and demonstrate leadership. He persuades the boys to elect him as chief by appealing to their desire for adventure, hunting, and a sense of power and control. He also points out his experience as head of a choir group, showcasing his ability to lead.

In Lord of the Flies who is leader of group?

During the first meeting, which was held in chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell, Ralph was elected as the chief. Later in the book Jack formed his own tribe and appointed himself as chief.

Who has assumed the role of chief in the book lord of the flies?

Ralph assumed the role of chief to start out with after he was elected by the other boys. Jack was always power hungry and eventually started his own "tribe" in which he was the chief.

What happens when jack ask Ralph's followers to joins him?

Most of the boys agree to join Jack's tribe, despite Ralph pointing out that he is the chief and that Jack has no shelters to use during the coming storm. Then the storm which has been building up finally breaks and Jack tells the boys to, "Do our dance! Come one! Dance!"

What happens when Jack asks Ralph's followers to join him?

Most of the boys agree to join Jack's tribe, despite Ralph pointing out that he is the chief and that Jack has no shelters to use during the coming storm. Then the storm which has been building up finally breaks and Jack tells the boys to, "Do our dance! Come one! Dance!"

In chapter 10 of Lord Of The Flies why does roger call jack a real chief?

Roger calls Jack a "real chief" because Jack successfully leads the boys in hunting and provides them with meat, which helps to solidify his authority and status as a leader. Roger admires Jack's ability to assert power and control over the group.