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to tell what the movie is about

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Q: Why do some trailers use special footage?
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Why some trailers use special footage?

to tell what the movie is about

Do semi tractor trailers use the same diesel fuel as a car or is a special blend?

it is the same

How do you paint a tractor trailer?

You would use the same process that would be used on a regular passenger car. There isn't some sort of special paint or special painting method used on tractor-trailers.

Do you know what company makes the best dump trailers?

PJ brand trailers are considered some of the best. There's some subjectivity involved, but among people who use dump trailers they're considered some of the best.

When not using actual footage of the holocaust where do all the skeletal people come from?

When not using actual footage, means re-enactments, which would use actors done up with special effects and makeup.

Can you pull two trailers and a pup trailer behind a semi in Washington?

No. Triple trailers are not allowed on any Washington roadways.

How can I use After Effects to stabilize footage effectively?

To stabilize footage in After Effects effectively, you can use the Warp Stabilizer tool. Simply select the footage layer, go to the Effects panel, and apply Warp Stabilizer. Adjust the settings to suit your footage and let the software analyze and stabilize the shaky footage automatically.

Where can HD trailers be purchased?

HD trailers may be purchased from many places online. Some being iTunes which is popular and well known by many. This is also reliable to use as they ensure quality of their products are of high standard.

What are some libraries that offer stock footage?

Stock footage is film or video that may or may not be shot for a specific film or television program, and is available for use to videographers and filmmakers. Some of the libraries of stock footage include: BBC Motion Gallery, NASA Images, Fotolia, Getty Images, Science Photo Library, Videoblocks, and Stock Footage Inc. The United States government produces a huge amount of stock footage available to the public domain.

What does big text trailers manufacture and where?

Big Tex Trailers are manufactured in the state of Texas. They are industrial trailers, that are attached to trucks to move heavy things, you could also use them to transport products for a business.

Do I need clearance to use footage of NCAA basketball games in an independent film if the shots are very quick cuts and the teams unrecognizable?

This is copyright infringement if you do not get permission to use the footage. The question of whether or not you would get caught is debatable, but it is illegal to use the footage without permission.

How can I replace footage in After Effects?

To replace footage in After Effects, select the layer you want to replace, then go to File Replace Footage File and select the new footage you want to use. This will update the layer with the new footage while maintaining any effects or animations applied to it.