It's a simple answer really. Women lie because they need to. They need to feed us false information in order to insure that they can make the most out of a relationship with another man. They will tell you they love you when they have another man ten houses down the street waiting for her to come over. They'll say they really want to hang out when, in reality, they're trying to find any excuse to stay away. Then, when they feel like their innocence is being threatened, they'll turn you into the bad guy and leave because they know that all they have to do is sport a low cut shirt at some bar and they'll have all the attention they need. So really, women lie because we'll believe them. Always have. Always will.
I know: Your Love is Just a Lie Simple Plan Live a Lie Default Every Lie My Darkest Days Lie David Cook Don't Lie Black eyed Peas Beautiful Lie 30 seconds to Mars Lie to me George Nozuka
it's a white lie so it's still a lie, but not that big.
Serj Tankian: Lie, Lie, Lie
The lie was told by the girl because she was not the woman Carruthers had with him in the hotel.
it's just an interjection that is expresed with southern ppl
most ppl lie regarless if dey drunk or not so ya a drunk girl will lie
Mostly only when they feel cornered. Eventually the lies will circle back upon them and they'll feel worse than when they started lying. For example, a girl will lie about her phone number if she feels uncomfortable and cornered or a kid will lie about homework to stay out of trouble.
you have to be 12 but of course you can lie about your age but no bad words are allowed ( but ppl say mean stuff like noob and stuiped and stuff like that )
Ppl means people
As of July 2014, the market cap for PPL Corporation (PPL) is $21,340,329,210.00.
The symbol for PPL Corporation in the NYSE is: PPL.
Maybe if you knew how to speak English, you could understand the information. this isn't fake info ppl are actually trying to answer questions. some ppl lie when answering a question but idk why anybody would waste their time on wiki answers to give false info.
It depends on the people 2 ppl- duet 3 ppl- trio 4 ppl- quartet 5 ppl- quintet and it continues......
Meaning of ppl: people
PPL Park was created in 2010.
PPL - utility - was created in 1920.
The population of PPL - utility - is 13,500.