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Toonami was canceled due to the fact that many parents were complaining that the network was too 'loud'(as in violent and actiony)

They got cancelled due to lost of views too

sign to bring back toonami

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12y ago

maybe because of the views,or probably some guy name Stuart hated anime. :)

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Q: Why did toonami get cancelled?
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What happened to Cartoon network cartoon cartoons?

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Who voices TOM from Toonami?

TOM was voiced by Steven Blum in September 2000. He replaced Sonny Strait in TOM's second through fourth incarnation, until Toonami was cancelled in 2008. He voiced TOM again when Toonami was revived by Adult Swim.

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Naruto has not gone broke. Toonami (assuming you think Naruto was cancelled from Cartoon Network) was cancelled, which rid the network of Anime.

Why did Cartoon Network die?

All the good shows got cancelled, Toonami was cancelled, and there isn't much anime since Naruto doesn't air that much. All the good shows got cancelled, Toonami was cancelled, and there isn't much anime since Naruto doesn't air that much. All the good shows got cancelled, Toonami was cancelled, and there isn't much anime since Naruto doesn't air that much.

What happened to the Naruto episodes in America?

When Toonami was cancelled, all Anime on Cartoon Network went as well, Including Naruto.

Who cancelled toonami?

Cartoon Network did, because they had other interests, like live-action reality shows involving roller coasters.

Will they ever show English dubbed Naruto 210-220 now that Toonami is cancelled?

Is toonami still on cartoonnetwork?

Toonami was assumed canceled because they were loading the new "Naruto shippuden" episodes. however after one year passed i don't think they're going to air Toonami anymore. want my comment about cartoon network kicking off TOONAMI? CARTOON NETWORK SUCKS!!

Is there is Neo toonami?

yes there is Neo toonami

When is Toonami coming back?

Toonami will return on May 26 of 2012

Is toonami a cable chanel?

Yes! Yes it is!! Toonami is a cable channel!!!

When will toonami comeback?

never unless cartoonetwork run out of options, and new people come on the set to do toonami because the people who to do toonami retire.