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She was stupid and irresponsible. When he showed up, Junior recorded the two of them having sex and then broadcasted it for the whole neighborhood to see.

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Q: Why did the babysitter in Problem Child 2 bring her boyfriend over?
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Would you let your babysitter bring her boyfriend over to your house?

No! After seeing the movie Problem Child 2, I wouldn't take any chances!

Would you allow your babysitter to bring her boyfriend over?

No, because they might try having sex in front of my children!

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She can petition her mother, but the mother cant include her boyfriend on the petition, even if that boyfriend is the citizen's father,

What age do children get out of care?

That's up to the parents and if they think there child is responsible enough to stay home alone. You could also have a babysitter till a time everyday to bring the child home from school. And then help them get settled in the house and do home work.

Who would hire a diabetic babysitter?

yes i would. if i could choose between a non-diabetic babysitter and a diabetic babysitter, i would probably pick the diabetic one. they know more medical stuff and such, but i would have them bring a buddy just in case anything did happen. :)

What if your son bothers you when I am workingwhat should I do?

ask a babysitter to look after him and don't bring him into work! hope this helps

If my dog is outside in the day and comes in at night can that effect my kid?

It should not effect a child if you bring your dog in at night. If the dog is disruptive and scares the child, it may pose a problem.

How often should your boyfriend talk to his ex wife if they have a kid together?

Really, they should talk when it has something to do with the child. If it's more than that I would bring it up.

Can a Mississippi bus driver refuse to bring your child home?

If the bus driver holds the child on the bus and refuses to bring him/her home, it is kidnapping. However, bus drivers do have some ability to prevent children from boarding the bus. For example, if the child is having a behavioral problem, the bus driver may take the child the the school authorities and have a parent pick up the child.

You are in love with this girl who has a boyfriend. The problem is that her boyfriend is your best friend. You try to get over her but you just can't. What do you do?

Purposely try to break them up but in ways that they won't notice or care about after. For instance, bring up something you know causes problems with them but they don't think you know about.

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Well this summer I become a certified babysitter can someone help me out?

Well after you take the babysitting course you are officially a babysitter, and more people will feel more comfortable if you have taken the course. If you want to you can bring along a friend if it is OK with the people you babysit for.