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Albus Potter was, like Harry when he first started Hogwarts, worried about which house he would be placed in. His brother told him he might be in Slytherin which worried him so Harry tried to stop these fears.

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10y ago

While the top answer on this question is completely true and the best answer given, I'd also like to include the fact that Harry had asked the Sorting Hat to not place him in Slytherin which is also a deciding factor of why he was placed in Gryffindor.

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10y ago

The main qualities of Gryffindor house are bravery, nerve, chivalry, courage and daring. Throughout the series, Harry put himself in dangerous positions to protect the lives of others. He was willing to die for those he loved and once he learned that he needed to die before Lord Voldemort could be destroyed, he choose to walk into the forest and allow Voldemort to kill him.

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10y ago

It's a joke. Fred and George both know that Harry isn't actually the heir of Slytherin, but the rest of the school isn't convinced, they're playing on the other students fears.

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11y ago

That was after he heard that Slytherin House has produced a large amount of dark wizards.

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13y ago

He went to Hogwarts to learn magic.

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No, he was a Griffindor.

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Q: Why did Harry talk to Albus about slytherin or gryffindor?
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What are the four Hogwarts house colors?

Gryffindor: scarlet red and gold Hufflepuff: yellow and black Ravenclaw: blue and bronze Slytherin: green and silver Notice each house has one primary/secondary color and one metallic color or black. Brown and gray are never used (although I have heard the movies used gray, perhaps because its hard to get or film bronze). As sometimes in sports, white is not treated as a color

What is the potion Harry and Ron used to transform into Crabbe and Goyle?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the Polyjuice potion in order to appear as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle so that they could infiltrate the Slytherin common room and talk to Draco Malfoy. Hermione has accidentally used the hair of a cat instead of Milicent Bulstrode.

Does Hedwig have any quotes in Harry Potter?

No, owls cannot talk. Even in Harry Potter.

Did Harry Potter get drunk and talk to a cat?

No, in the 7-book series, Harry never got drunk and talked to a cat.

Why was Harry Potter mad at Cho in Harry Potter?

In the fifth book, Harry asked Cho out for a date in Hogsmeade. Harry was still adjusting his feelings for her, so when they had nothing to talk about Cho decided it was time to talk about Cedric. Harry changed the subject saying, "Let's not talk about Cedric now." That disappointed her, so she cried and left. A few days later, they made up.. But after a betrayal of Marietta Edgecombe, a friend of Cho's, Harry got mad once again. He retorted that she should choose more friends more wisely, and that 'a really nice girl who I didn't dream of her doing that(-Cho)' was plain stupid. They broke up once and for all.

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What are the name of the four houses hogwarts students stay in?

Hufflepuff,Gryffindor,Ravenclaw AndSlytherin

Did Albus Dumbledore appear in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

Yes, when Harry is in 'limbo' he meets Dumbledore and they talk.

Describe the four houses of hogwarts?

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. The four houses were founded by the following four renown witches, and wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. At first, the four founders hand picked the students for their house. Gryffindor chose students who showed bravery, and confidence. Slytherin chose students who showed ambition, and chose mostly by blood purity. Hufflepuff chose students who were hard working, and loyalty. And finally, Rowena Ravenclaw chose students based on creativity, intelligence and wisdom. All houses have rivalry between one another, but they all usually get along. All houses have a Quidditch team, and an hourglass that keeps track of points lost and gained throughout the school year.

Which Hogwarts founder could talk to snakes?

Salazar Slytherin

What are the four Hogwarts house colors?

Gryffindor: scarlet red and gold Hufflepuff: yellow and black Ravenclaw: blue and bronze Slytherin: green and silver Notice each house has one primary/secondary color and one metallic color or black. Brown and gray are never used (although I have heard the movies used gray, perhaps because its hard to get or film bronze). As sometimes in sports, white is not treated as a color

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You go to the gryffindor common room and talk to hermione, she will tell you that a girl in her dormitory has a hairdryer and is willing to swap it for 50 wizard cards.

What type of language has been used in Harry Potter?

English is a West Germanic language, the native language of the authorAccording to the story, a few wizards, including Slytherin, Voldemort, and Harry Potter, can talk Parselmouth, the language of the snakes. The name, Parselmouth, has been invented by the author.

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Salazar Slytherin was a parseltongue, meaning he could talk to snakes.

Did Albus Dumbledore survive in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

He comes back in a place when harry dies during hic sacirfice to voldermont they have a conversation and harry soul is brought to his body Dumbledore is dead in The Deathly Hallows. He reappears in the chapter called King's Cross as a spirit, where he and Harry talk about Voldemort, the Deathly Hallows, and Grindelwald. But he is definitely dead.

What is the potion Harry and Ron used to transform into Crabbe and Goyle?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the Polyjuice potion in order to appear as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle so that they could infiltrate the Slytherin common room and talk to Draco Malfoy. Hermione has accidentally used the hair of a cat instead of Milicent Bulstrode.

How can you get sorted into Slytherin on hexrpg?

Alright, I have an account on hexrpg, and I'm in Slytherin. Talk about what you like, and mention that you like black and green. Talk a little about your sly and evil self. That should get you into Slytherin. Just, don't mention a word about Slytherin.

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Albus Dumbledore when he was visiting Horace Slughorn in a home that was belonged to muggles on holiday. Dumbledore was trying to cover for the length of time he took in the bathroom while he allowed Harry and Slughorn to talk.