A story in my family says that David Wayne's son disappeared in the Pacific Northwest. My cousin was with him. I'm sorry I don't know any more details. I believe it was in the late '60s or early '70s.
according to Roy Campenella"s biography, his son David died at 41. He was mixed up in drugs for many years.
No. He is not related to John Wayne in any way, according to John Wayne's son. Says "We've never heard of him". He claims to be John Wayne's "great nephew". Claims have never been substantiated.
Timothy Roman Scott died on January 22, 2003 of heart failure. His cremains were scattered at sea.
No - per David Plotz of Slate.com
donte waynes
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David Cameron's son had Epilepsy
lil waynes son is fine but he has mager head induries from lil waynes drug usage.
no he is not
no they arent related
No, lil waynes real dad abandonned his mom when he found out she was pregnant, Birdman came into lil waynes life at around age 6/7 and they consider each other as father and son.
No they just sing together
Timothy is a mouse. He is Mrs. Frisby's son. Timothy is very sick.
fine but has head induries from lil waynes drug usage.