His hair caught on fire during the making of a pepsi commercial, thus he had to cut off what was left.
he got his hair shaved off because he was in prison
lil Wayne does not have to get his hair cut the judge said if he puts his dreds in corn row he can keep it. He still going to be the best rapper alive. Once he get out he is going to start over again, and i know this because in a interview he said he going to keep growing his dreads until the day he die.
in comics joker had plastic surgery doneon his face
The word they needed to match was it as in "IT feels like the first time", but Beca sang it's as in "IT'S going down"
Wiki doesn't provide pictures.
he got his hair shaved off because he was in prison
You don't have to cut of the dreads you can comb them out but it takes a long time and must be painful. i think though that he def cut it because I've seen pics of his dreads and they looked like they were about to fall apart where the rubberband was. So maybe he has fakes til his hair grows out.
cut it off (:
I don't know if he shaved it bald, but yes he had to cut his dreads off
Oh, dude, they didn't cut off Bob Marley's dreads when he died. Like, his iconic dreadlocks were actually buried with him. Can you imagine the chaos if someone had tried to give him a posthumous haircut? That would've been a real buzzkill for sure.
no lil Wayne did not cut his dreadshe showle didn't! in if he did he naked as fuxck!but i don't think he did! a bixch spreading rumors!like always! you know how they be doing when people be-FAMOUS BUT DEY NEDA STOP HATIN ON WAYNEHISZ DREADS ARE STILL THERE ND THERE TO STAYAINT NOBODY GONE CUT MY NIGER SHYTZ!
dont retwist dreadsunless they are very new and not holding together.if that is the case , twist them with your fingers (very easy)once they are dreads..don't twistover twisting can cause dreads to be twisted right off
they are fake ever sence he got out of jail because he had to cut them off to go into jail :)
Trying using a clarifying shampoo. It is the only product that can strip build-up like that off. If it doesn't work, you may need a cut. Read the directions for the clarifying shampoo.
lil Wayne does not have to get his hair cut the judge said if he puts his dreds in corn row he can keep it. He still going to be the best rapper alive. Once he get out he is going to start over again, and i know this because in a interview he said he going to keep growing his dreads until the day he die.
you shouldn't retwist dreads. until they are able to hold together you can do it yourself when they fall apart. when they hold together ..stop too much twisting will cause dreads to twist right off.