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Bella loves the CD, because the songs on it are Edward's compositions.

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Q: Why did Bella like the CD edward gave her?
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Related questions

What did Edward get for Bella's Birthday?

Edward gave Bella a CD with all of his compositions, Including her lullaby.

What does Edwaard get Bella for her birthday?

Edward gave Bella a CD with the song he wrote for her recorded in it.

What does Edward Cullen get Bella for her birthday in New Moon?

In the movie, Edward gave her a kiss.....In the novel, he gave her a CD with recordings of him playing the piano songs like Bella's lullaby and Esme's favourite tune played by Edward..

What presents did the Cullen's give Bella on her 18th birthday?

The Cullens gave Bella a camera, a CD with songs that Edward had recorded, and a set of keys to a rebuilt truck. Bella was especially moved by the CD and Edward's words handwritten in the booklet.

What did Bella get on her eighteenth birthay?

The Cullens gave her a new car stereo and 2 plane tickets to Jacksonville. Edward gave her a CD with songs played by him on the piano. Rene gave her a scrapbook and Charlie gave her a camera

What was the present Bella's vampire family offered her on her nineteenth birthday?

Actually for Bella's 19th birthday (with happens in Breaking Dawn) - the Cullen family gave her the cottage. the following is basically correct for 18th birthday:- 'Edward gave her a CD with his composed music Esme and Carlisle gave her two tickets to Jacksonville for Bella and Edward to visit Renee (Bella's mum) Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie gave her a stereo for her car. But I forgot what Alice gave her. Bella was going to open Alice's present when she got the paper cut and Jasper attacked her. Hope it helped.' In the book it says that Edward and Alice made the CD with Edwards composed music together, so it's a joint gift.

What is palying on Edward Cullen's CD player in his rooom?

in twilight, edward was listening to Claire de lune in his bedroom

What did Bella get for 19th birthday from Cullens?

In New Moon Bella receives a car stereo from Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett. Edward gives her a CD of songs that he recored on the piano for her, and Alice, Esme, and Carlisle get her and Edward plane tickets to visit Bella's mom, Renee, in Florida.

What does edward get Bella for her birthday?

Edward gets Bella a CD of his compositions (music) on the piano. He didn't want to get her anything that he had to pay a lot for. (you still have had to pay for the CD to burn the songs on it, so I don't really get it.)

What was Edwards and alices gift for Bella in new moon?

Their gift for Bella was a CD which Edward compose.In the movie Alice gives Bella a necklace.

What did the Cullens gift to bella?

It depends on which novel you are speaking of. In Breaking Dawn, Edward gave Bella a diamond which is "cold, hard and makes rainbows in light" said Edward. Edward also gave Bella a wedding ring when he proposed to her. He also gave Bella immortality.

What did Edward get Bella Swan get for her birthday?

He got her a CD. It had her lullaby and Esme's favorite song on it.