Voldemort was in hiding. He couldn't just walk into the Ministry and grab the prophecy from the shelf.
He tried to get an unspeakable to steal it or him but the only people who can remove are prophecy are those it involves so he lured Harry Potter there to get it for him.
Voldemort never planned on staying long enough for the Ministry wizards to see him.
The prophecy that Sybill Trelawney made stated this: "One must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives" This prophecy refers earlier to Voldemort and Harry OR Neville - however Voldemort didn't realise at the time that it could have been either child and only thought it was referring to Harry. Thus the war began. So the section of the prophecy above is basically saying that only one of them can live in the end and whoever dies must be killed by the other. ie Harry must kill Voldemort or Voldemort must kill Harry. So therefore, since Voldemort isn't planning on dying, he must kill Harry himself as the prophecy states it.
Voldemort hated his father because he left his mother after discovering she was a witch, which eventually led to her death and Voldemort being raised in an orphanage.
Actually it all starts with Dumbledore and Proffesor Trelawney. Trelawney wasnt a teacher at the time and had applied for the job. They both met at Hog's Head( a place in Hogesmade). When Dumbledore was interviewing Trelawney, she went into a trance and made the prophecy. She had only started but a Death Eater was also present at Hog's Head at the time. This Death Eater was Severus Snape. (That time he was Voldemort's true servant and not a spy for Dumbledore)Snape had heard only part of the prophecy before Dumbledore had realised he was there. Snape escaped and told Voldemort the only part he had heard(the first half). Voldemort set out to analyse the prophecy. This is all Snape had heard from Trelawney: "The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches.....born to those who have thrice defied him...born as the seventh month dies...the dark lord will mark him his equal but he will have power the dark lord knows not........" Had Snape known that Voldemort would think it was Lily Potter's son, he would not have told him what he had heard.
Little Hangleton was a muggle town where the Gaunt family (Voldemort's mother) and Riddle family (Voldemort's family) lived. Voldemort himself, never lived there. His lived his whole childhood in a muggle orphanage. Voldemort did spend time in his grandparents old house when he was working on getting his body back. There is no mention of Dumbledore ever living there.
No one, he made up this name himself. His real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle; he rearranged the letters of his name to form the phrase "I am Lord Voldemort", as can be witnessed in Harry Potter 2. It should be noted that Voldemort comes from the French "vol de la mort," meaning "flight of death."
The prophecy that Sybill Trelawney made stated this: "One must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives" This prophecy refers earlier to Voldemort and Harry OR Neville - however Voldemort didn't realise at the time that it could have been either child and only thought it was referring to Harry. Thus the war began. So the section of the prophecy above is basically saying that only one of them can live in the end and whoever dies must be killed by the other. ie Harry must kill Voldemort or Voldemort must kill Harry. So therefore, since Voldemort isn't planning on dying, he must kill Harry himself as the prophecy states it.
Answer: because he has more power than him Answer: It is all about the prophecy. Voldemort is worried, precisely because of the prophecy, about the possibility that Harry Potter may eventually defeat him.
snape went crawling to him and told what he heard, but he did not hear all the prophecy.
The Harry Potter prophecy can be found on pg. 841 of Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix and basically says that a child will be born at the end of July to parents who defeated lord voldemort 3 times, voldemort will mark that child as his equal, but the child will have a power that voldemort doesn't, and "And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."- Professor Trelawney. the prophecy can apply to either Harry or Neville Longbottom but as Voldemort chose Harry by trying to kill him it means Harry.
"The big deal" is that it's what prompted Voldemort to go after Harry in the first place. The prophecy speaks of an enemy with powers to match the Dark Lord's -- that's Harry. Voldemort attacked Harry because of the prophecy, because he believed that the person of whom the prophecy spoke was his one and only threat. No prophecy=no Harry Potter books. ;)
It is not about Voldemort using Neville to resurrect himself, but it is said that he could have chosen Neville as his enemy. And in that case he would have been the "Chosen one" instead of Harry. It is said so because according to a prophecy, Voldemort's enemy will be born in July and to parents who'd disobey the Dark Lord thrice and both, Harry and Neville fall into the criteria. So it was a possibility that Neville would have been the chosen one.
In the prophecy, it said "The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal." Sure Neville's parents defied Voldemort three times and Neville was born in July but Neville was a Pureblood. Voldemort is Halfblood just like Harry. So he goes after Harry to "mark him as his equal". Hope this helps
They were both babies, actually. According to Dumbledore, Voldemort "chose the boy he thought most likely to be a danger to him. He chose, not the pureblood, (Neville) but the half-blood, like himself. He saw himself in you before he had ever seen you." (Order of the Phoenix p.842) The reason that Lord Voldemort did not choose the Longbottom family because they were purebloods. And although they may be seen as an easier target, Voldemort is a half-blood, and he wanted to destroy the child he found equal to himself.
This is revealed in a later book. Voldemort heard about a certain prophecy, according to which a child, born in July, might cause his downfall. This may have referred to Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom; for some reason, Voldemort decided it referred to Harry Potter - and the very fact that he tried to kill him caused the prophecy to refer to Harry Potter.This is revealed in a later book. Voldemort heard about a certain prophecy, according to which a child, born in July, might cause his downfall. This may have referred to Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom; for some reason, Voldemort decided it referred to Harry Potter - and the very fact that he tried to kill him caused the prophecy to refer to Harry Potter.This is revealed in a later book. Voldemort heard about a certain prophecy, according to which a child, born in July, might cause his downfall. This may have referred to Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom; for some reason, Voldemort decided it referred to Harry Potter - and the very fact that he tried to kill him caused the prophecy to refer to Harry Potter.This is revealed in a later book. Voldemort heard about a certain prophecy, according to which a child, born in July, might cause his downfall. This may have referred to Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom; for some reason, Voldemort decided it referred to Harry Potter - and the very fact that he tried to kill him caused the prophecy to refer to Harry Potter.
Voldemort's own spell kills himself.
no. he almost dies, but then pretends to be dead while Voldemort tortures him and eventually kills Voldemort.
Voldemort hated his father because he left his mother after discovering she was a witch, which eventually led to her death and Voldemort being raised in an orphanage.