first he not a bird second because he glides not flys and theres your answer
Bats cant count
Yes, he can because he is batman Batman is perhaps the only superhero who has no powers at all. Instead he relies on his physical agility and advanced technological "gadgets". For example, he does fly with his cape - he uses it to glide from high places.
you cant you can only get there on story mode that is on level 9
in the batwing chase, third part of jokers last laugh - fly over red switches to get it.
the live-action movies are as follows: Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises
batman cant fly he glides using his cape so no he cant
he cant fly but search it up on another website (^:
Batman doesn't fly he glides
No , but you can glide with Batman's cape.
he can't fly he glides
penguins cant fly, and chickens cant propperly fly!
you cant get it for free.
This is funny because batman aint real,its jst a comic cartoon. My dear you cant get batman's intelligence
Bats cant count
no he cant fly he is to heavy
you cant fly it is not posibble
you cant fly it is not posibble