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She is a great singer and shes with the Jonas brothers and they're the best band in the world!

Answerbecause she is multi-platinum and so famous!
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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

Most Jonas Brothers tickets cost so much because online buyers tend to sit at home on their computers and wait till the exact minute the tickets are released, then they buy all of them from the concert venue, usually TicketMaster, at a reasonable price, and then sell them to others online for thousands. And most hard-core fans usually end up paying for them due to the fact that because of them buying them all in an instant, it's the only way to get them.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

Well, he is a legendary artist and to keep up his standards and lifestyle, money is indispensible. Being a singer, his only source of income is a Concert or an album.

---- Ticket pricing is all about supply and demand, if there is a lot of demand for a particular artist for example if they do not play very often or a lot of people want to see them then they can charge higher prices

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โˆ™ 15y ago

100 dollars for 1 concert

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โˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Why are tickets for Hannah Montana so expensive?
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Never seen Hannah Montana on concert, I was not going to see it, Hannah Montana tickets got sky rocked thanks to stupid brokers. But even if I had seen it, I wouldn't buy it. I'd rather wait and see it on DVD. Well suprise I changed my mind and I got 2 tix for the Hannah Montana show I was looking for tickets thanks god there sites like Ticketwood which work as comparators here is the site <a href=""> Hannah Montana Tickets</a> . So any body going to the Hannah Montana concert ??

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there are no tickets just carry on what you are doing and next time you have to see oliver you will just have the tickets so say you do have the tickets when you talk to him.

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there are no tickets you just carry on what you are doing and the next time you have to see oliver you will just have the tickets so say yes you do have the tickets.

Will you get to meet Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana?

Mabye, I might get tickets for me, my Mom and my BFF. For Christmas or My birthday. I guess so.

How Miley became Hannah Montana?

When Miley was a child she auditioned for Hannah Montana. She was a good actress so she got in. So before the audition she was never Hannah Montana.

What if you had a crush on Hannah Montana?

well Hannah Montana is really Miley Cyrus so there isn't a real Hannah Montana for people to date

Is Hannah Montana a director for Hannah Montana the movie?

sorry no i don't think so

Is Justin is in love with Hannah Montana. and did that have sex.?

Hannah Montana is not a real person, so no.

What was the first episode of Hannah montanna?

The first episode of Hannah Montana was when Lilly gets tickets to a Hannah Montana concert but Miley cant go with Lilly because Miley is Hannah Montana. So Lilly and Oliver sneak into Hannah's dressing room through a window. And Miley has to tell Lilly the truth about her double life. But doesn't tell Oliver.

Who is Hannah Montana going out with?

Hannah Montana is Miley Cyrus so Hannah Montana isn't dating anybody.

Is Miley Cyrus continueing being Hannah Montana?

Yes! There are new Hannah Montana series on Disney Channel so surely miley is continuing to be Hannah Montana!