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Q: Why are polished mirrors not used for movie screens?
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Did they have mirrors in Pompeii?

They didn't have mirrors as such, they just polished up bits of metal really well which they then used as a reflective device.

What is glass used for?

It is used to make windows, light bulbs, glasses, mirrors, TV screens, bottles, bowls, Christmas ornaments, cups, and picture glass.

Metallic surface which gives a clear reflection?

Highly polished metal was used for mirrors before switching to glass. While it will reflect, the metal needs to be kept polished or the reflection will dull.

Are projector screens still being used today?

Large projector screens are used in several places today. Movie theaters use projector screens, large conferences use projector screens, and you can even rent or purchase projectors and screens for personal use.

What does bronze signifyin the Bible?

In those days bronze was polished very well and used as a mirror. As there were no mirrors in those days. Bows were also made of it.

Did Egyptians have mirrors?

Ancient Egyptians were meticulous about their appearances, and thus it is not surprising that they had mirrors. Women devoted much effort into bathing themselves and using perfume on their skin. They even had makeup.

How are mirrors invented?

The first mirrors were likely made by ancient civilizations using polished metal or obsidian. The concept of reflection was understood, and these early mirrors were used for practical and cosmetic purposes. Over time, different materials and techniques were developed to create smoother and clearer mirrors, leading to the mirrors we use today.

What are uses of obsidian?

That is a volcanic glass. In ancient times it was used to make arrow heads and to make mirrors when it was polished. You can order a mirror using obsidian glass but it will cost you.

How many screens does a Megaplex have?

The Megaplex is a very popular movie theater. While the amount of screens vary by location, some theaters are known to have at least 30 screens used to view a film.

What was the mirror first used for?

The mirror was first used for personal grooming and self-reflection. In ancient times, mirrors were made from polished stones or metals such as bronze and were used to see one's own reflection.

When were mirrors invented?

The first mirrors were likely produced around 6000 BC in ancient Turkey. These early mirrors were made of polished obsidian, a natural volcanic glass. Mirrors with metal coatings were invented in the first century AD in Rome.

For what do you need polished buttons?

polished buttons are simply used for animal magnetism quest.