THE FIRST TV`s were only a few inches wide like a ballooned radio tube (1930`s-50`s) ... later they made them all sizes bigger only to return to smaller when it was cool in the 1970 Portable units and remain now in many many sizes according to needs.....
The Megaplex is a very popular movie theater. While the amount of screens vary by location, some theaters are known to have at least 30 screens used to view a film.
Movie screen vary dramatically in size. Big theater have bigger screens. I salvaged a 28' wide x 13.5' tall movie screen from an old theater and now offer it for outdoor movie rentals.
I would like to see it as a movie, but i looked around the net and there aren't any plans for one.
Large projector screens are used in several places today. Movie theaters use projector screens, large conferences use projector screens, and you can even rent or purchase projectors and screens for personal use.
3,339 movie screens
The Megaplex is a very popular movie theater. While the amount of screens vary by location, some theaters are known to have at least 30 screens used to view a film.
Screens are of Fine screens (small openings) Coarse screens (relatively large compared to fine)
home movie screens are smaller than movie theater screens.
There are many sources of information about movie screens across the internet. The most thorough information can be found from How Stuff Works, which published an article about how movie screens work and how they have changed over the years.
The typical number of screens depends on the size of the movie theater. Some smaller ones only have a few screens, while bigger theaters have 10 or more.
foil works pretty good depending on what you are smoking out of. just poke small holes in it.
pixel screen
Poeple in the past just invented the tv and the screens were large tubes that were much different than todays plasma screens. Technology has broadened our tv viewing.
The so called LED screens are not trully LED screens. They are simply LCD screens but they have white LEDs for Backlight.