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genetics as they say were all special so our geneas pass down some may have flat and some round

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Q: Why are fingernails round on top and some are flat?
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What is round on top and flat on the bottom?

A cone.

What are the flat bits at the top and the bottom of the earth called?

The earth is round, due to gravity, so there are no flat bits at the top and bottom.

What solid figures can be stacked to make a round tower with a flat top?

rectangle, cylinder

Why do they call some dodge engines a hemi?

"Hemi" is short for hemispherical, which refers to the shape of the combustion chamber. Instead of flat or wedge shaped they're round at the top.

Where are your fingernails?

They are to be found at the end of the top surface of your fingers.

Is it top-floor flat or top floor flat?

top floor flat

What shape is on top of a plateau?

A plateau is typically a flat elevated landform with a broad flat top. The shape on top of a plateau can vary, but it is often flat or gently sloping with some irregularities due to erosion and weathering processes.

What is the Round Knob Long Tang on Browning Superposed Shotguns?

Round knob refers to the pistol grip of the buttstock. The wood can be shaped with a round knob, or a flat knob which is abreviated RK or FK. Long tang is the top tang of the breech block frame which is the metal that comes down the top of the buttstock and screws into the wood. Usually it is 1/2" wide and about 4"-5" long. Some Superposed guns have a short tang which is about 2" shorter. Typically a round knob Superposed with a long tang is more desireable than the flat knob or short tang.

What palindrome is even flat on top?

Some options:laminate pet animal (doesn't sound very kind!)top spot (could be flat on top!)level (an all time favorite!)

What is flat top cats?

Answer flat topHip teenagers of the 50s who had crew cuts hairstyles shaved flat on top. UK singer Frankie Vaughan had a song 'My Boy Flat Top'.

wide handle flat on top and round on bottom quad cane for barriatric patient?

I would try your local hardware store for you barriatric patient.

What rock is clear flat and has round bumps on top?

The rock you are describing is likely quartz. Quartz is a clear, flat, and often has rounded bumps on its surface. It is a common mineral found in many different types of rocks.