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Its a flat top crew cut

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What was john cena's album called in 2005?

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John Cena is married to a girl called Elzabeth in 2009

Does John Cena have a CD out?

Yeah he does have a CD out its called-John Cena And The Trademarks-You Cant see me

How many sons does John Cena have?

he has 1 called chris cena

Who is John cenas stepbrother?

John cena stepbrother is called MonkeySmell.

What nick names has John Cena been called?

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Who is John Cena's dad?

John Cena sr.

What are John Cena's fans called?

I think they're called the cenation.

Who won john cena or brock lesnar?

John Cena

Does John cena have ps3 accont?

John Cena's PSN is John Cena

What is John cena first name?

John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.

Do John Cena have any sister?

no john cena has no sisters but he has 4 brothers called Sean Mathew Danny and a mother i cant remember