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Because the Valar were afraid that Men would desire immortality and would try to conquer the Undying Lands. Men didn't understand that the Undying Lands didn't cause immortality; the things living there (Valar, Maiar and Elves) all happened to be immortal already.

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Q: Why are Men not allowed into the Undying Lands?
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Was Frodo Baggins given immortality?

Yes, he was allowed to go to the undying lands.

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No. Bilbo Baggins did not die; he, Frodo and the rest of the Ring-bearers went with the elves into the Undying-Lands. Undying = does not die.

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Also known as Valinor, the Undying Lands is a place across the sea where the elves departed to at the beginning of the age of men. It is just like it sounds; lands which never die, and on which beings never die.

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After The Lord of the Rings? No, he is in the Undying Lands.

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One-hundred and thirty years old (130)

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Valinor is a place, also known as the Land of the Valar, or the Undying Lands.

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Who was the only person thoroughly unhappy the day of the departure?

Bilbo Baggins When Frodo left for the undying lands Sam was the most distraught.

What happened to the characters of the Lord of the Rings after the story?

In the book, Sam becomes mayor of the Shire six times, Merry and Pippin have jolly good times in the Shire, Sam and Rosie have lots of children, one of their daughters named Goldilocks marries Pippin's son, Faramir Sam is allowed to travel to the Undying Lands after Rosie dies because he was a ring-bearer if only for a short time. Legolas and Gimli wander in Middle-earth then Gimli goes with Legolas to the Undying Lands. Gimli is the only dwarf given that privilege. Aragorn and Arwen rule Gondor for well over a century. Faramir and Eowyn marry. Eomer becomes king of Rohan, and he marries the daughter of a prince of Gondor. And everybody lives happily ever after. :)