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When Sasuke was little he had a loving brother, Itachi. Itachi was forced to kill his clan, but he refused to kill his brother, the konoha elders threatened to start a war if he didn't. Itachi hated fighting but he was forced to and he pretended to be evil so his brother would be known as a hero one day after he killed itachi. Itachi never hated Sasuke , infact cared about him more than the village and his own life. After itachi lets sasuke kill him (although sasuke didnt know this.) Madarra told him why itachi assassinated the clan and that it was the senju's fault and selfishness. Now sasuke is filled with revenge and plans to destroy The hidden leaf village.

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Q: Why Sasuke and itachi hate each other?
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What did itachi uses on Kakashi?

ok after sasuke kills itachi he passes out. and then madara uchiha takes sasuke to a hidden location. its almost like a cave. and during the time of sasuke healing, madara tells sasuke the truth about itachi. he tells sasuke why itachi did all the things he did. and i have seen other questions asking " is itachi a good guy " and the answer to that is yes. you see itachi killed his clan on orders of the elders of the leaf and danzo because the uchiha clan were planning to attack the hidden leaf village. and itachi was a double spy he loved the hidden leaf village and he loved his clan. but he couldn't let all of the innocent people of the hidden leaf village die by the hand of his clan. so the elders and danzo sends him to kill the entire clan. but itachi couldn't do it alone. he had the help of the famous uchiha madara. also itachi cared and loved his brother so much that he couldn't bring himself to kill him. so in the end itachi leaves the clans place and goes to see the hokage. he tells the hokage that don't tell sasuke the truth and as a last request itachi asks that sasuke is looked out for and that nothing happens to him. and then in the end when itachi and sasuke fight. itachi did and said everything as a cover up. and itachi let himself be killed by his younger brother sasuke so that he could give sasuke all his eye techniques and give sasuke that mangekyou sharingan. ( it is unclear weather sasukes sharingan is eternal or not ) so then madara tells sasuke all of this and after a long time of thinking sasuke excepts the truth and falls into a deep hatred for the hidden leaf village for making his brother do such a horrible thing. and now sasuke wants to destroy the hiddden leaf village. and his group hawk has joined akutski and madara gives sasuke itachi's eyes so while sasuke is healing from the procedure madara & kabuto created the next ninja war & i believe that is where naruto & sasuke will have there final battle oh & btw naruto is training with bee to take control of the nine tails chakra just like bee

Why did itachi killed his clan?

Itachi was ordered by the Hokage to kill his entire clan because he thought the Uchiha clan was a major threat to him. But only Itachi, the Anbu captain that was also involved in some way, and the Hokage knew that. Itachi was going to kill the entire clan, but couldn't bring himself to kill Sasuke as well, because he had a strong bond with him. So Itachi told Sasuke to hate him and to feed off of it, so he could get stronger. Itachi also told Sasuke that if he wanted to get the Mangekyou Sharingan he must kill his best friend. So Itachi ran away, and it is said he cried as he ran. Itachi joined the Akatsuki and waited for the day that Sasuke would come and kill him. Madara later tells Sasuke, after he kills Itachi, that Itachi planned to give him his eyes.

Does orochimaru like anyone?

My opinion and others think that Orochimaru is gay. Proof? Well when Anko and Orochimaru are fighting in the forest of death, Orochimaru turns round to Anko and says (Talking about Sasuke) "He's a beatiful boy" or "He's beautiful" Which is strange... But Orochimaru dosent like any one.... He's either Gay, Lesbian or a perv XD

Does Sasuke stay evil?

He wasn't at first, but when he found out the truth about Itachi, Sasuke became blinded by his anger and hate. He is making big mistakes that he will regret later. So yes, he is 99.5% evil( because Sasuke tried to kill Kakashi and Sakura without hesitation) and 1.5% good. That is his care for Naruto, but that is slight by itself. Besides that, he is selfish, stupid, and all he cares about is his "so called" revenge for Itachi( that is his big mistake). Naruto TRULY is the only one who can save Sasuke.

Why did itachi Uchiha kill his clan?

it was order from konoha ,uchiha was planning war with konoha

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no he wants him to think that but itachi really loves sasuke he is just trying to protect him

Was Sasuke still alive after his fight with itachi?

yes he was alive but you know i hate this i wish itachi told sasuke to come back to konoha cause after that he killed itachi he hated konoha and his planning to destroy the leaf village Curse you sasuke!

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no because sasuke likes(loves) neither. Like itachi told him to hate everything. In other words sasuke is gonna be lonely even in his grave. T.T

Does Sasuke hate itachi?

Well in the beginning Itachi cares so much about his little brother and that's whyhe didnt kill him back then. But now i think him and sasuke are rivals now. --Animelover1234567

Who does Sasuke hate?

he hates itachi by the way who he killshe hates the intire village hidden in the leaveshe hates pein for destorying the village what sasuke wanted to do

Does Sasuke hate his older brother Itachi?

ya he killed his family and most of the clan i imagine so

Does Sasuke still hate itachi?

He hated Itachi until Madara told him the truth. Then Sasuke cried over him so I'm pretty sure the answer is no. It's also kinda why he formed a new team Hawk or Snake or something.

Why does sauske hate itachi if he was right?

Sasuke hated Itachi because he was manipulated into believing that Itachi had betrayed and killed their clan out of malice. Itachi's true intentions were revealed later, but by then the damage had been done and Sasuke's hatred had consumed him. Even if Itachi's actions were meant to protect Sasuke, the hurt and trauma caused by the perceived betrayal were too deep for Sasuke to easily overcome.

Why was Itachi trying to kill Sasuke if he loved him?

He wanted Sasuke to hate him so he would become strong. All he ever cared about was his younger brother, and he wanted Sasuke to become strong enough so he could die at Sasuke's hands. Itachi became this way ever since the Hidden Leaf Village ordered him to kill all Uchiha because they were trying to take over the Hidden Leaf Village. Itachi fufilled this mission, and killed all of the clan except Sasuke and Madara. He became an Akatsuki and later died when his disease finally killed him at the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi. Upon realizing the truth, Sasuke regrets killing Itachi thinking back to when he was a kind, loving brother and always was. He formed his Mangekyo Sharingan after losing Itachi, the one closest to him. He vows to destroy Konoha (Hidden Leaf Village) for putting Itachi at the fate he had. He later joins the Akatsuki and becomes an international criminal, something that Itachi tried to prevent.

What did itachi uses on Kakashi?

ok after sasuke kills itachi he passes out. and then madara uchiha takes sasuke to a hidden location. its almost like a cave. and during the time of sasuke healing, madara tells sasuke the truth about itachi. he tells sasuke why itachi did all the things he did. and i have seen other questions asking " is itachi a good guy " and the answer to that is yes. you see itachi killed his clan on orders of the elders of the leaf and danzo because the uchiha clan were planning to attack the hidden leaf village. and itachi was a double spy he loved the hidden leaf village and he loved his clan. but he couldn't let all of the innocent people of the hidden leaf village die by the hand of his clan. so the elders and danzo sends him to kill the entire clan. but itachi couldn't do it alone. he had the help of the famous uchiha madara. also itachi cared and loved his brother so much that he couldn't bring himself to kill him. so in the end itachi leaves the clans place and goes to see the hokage. he tells the hokage that don't tell sasuke the truth and as a last request itachi asks that sasuke is looked out for and that nothing happens to him. and then in the end when itachi and sasuke fight. itachi did and said everything as a cover up. and itachi let himself be killed by his younger brother sasuke so that he could give sasuke all his eye techniques and give sasuke that mangekyou sharingan. ( it is unclear weather sasukes sharingan is eternal or not ) so then madara tells sasuke all of this and after a long time of thinking sasuke excepts the truth and falls into a deep hatred for the hidden leaf village for making his brother do such a horrible thing. and now sasuke wants to destroy the hiddden leaf village. and his group hawk has joined akutski and madara gives sasuke itachi's eyes so while sasuke is healing from the procedure madara & kabuto created the next ninja war & i believe that is where naruto & sasuke will have there final battle oh & btw naruto is training with bee to take control of the nine tails chakra just like bee

Did Sasuke kill his brother?

No Itachi does not kill Sasuke *SPOILERS* It turns out Itachi loved the leaf village and even put it above his own family and he was given a mission to kill the uchiha clan because danzo and the two hokage advisors thought uchiha whas getting too powerful so they gave Itachi this mission to kill every uchiha but he couldn't kill sasuke because he loved sasuke too much.

Why did Sasuke act so different and nice when he was very little in Naruto?

Because when he was little,nothing bad happened.but when Itaci killed his perents,Sasuke acted all mean and changed.He tried to have enough hate to kill Itachi.(Sasuke's brother)