Child actress Sarah Rose Karr (in Beethoven) is 33 years old (born November 13, 1984).
Sarah Rose Karr from Beethoven and Father of the Bride
Rick Karr was born in 1965.
Palmer Karr was born on June 18, 1982, in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Rose 'Rosie' Cotton was played by Sarah McLeod.
Sarah Rose Karr was born on November 13, 1984, in California, USA.
Child actress Sarah Rose Karr (in Beethoven) is 33 years old (born November 13, 1984).
No! You are thinking of Sarah Rose Karr.
It seems to be Sarah Rose Karr from the Beethovan movies but i am still researching because i think it might be Thora Birch from Now and Then and American Beauty!'s definitely Sarah Rose Karr
Sarah Rose Karr from Beethoven and Father of the Bride
Sarah Rose Karr has: Played Child in "Roseanne" in 1988. Played Emma in "Kindergarten Cop" in 1990. Played Annie - 7 Years Old in "Father of the Bride" in 1991. Played Emily in "Beethoven" in 1992. Played Dana Whitson in "Homewrecker" in 1992. Played Stacie Millard in "The Four Diamonds" in 1995.
The cast of Invane - 2003 includes: Donna Byrne as Mrs. Karr Maude Hebert as Sarah Adam Kosh as Simon Karr Franco Mascitto as Mr. Karr
Sarah Rose Thomas is 5' 11".
The cast of 3 Missing Links - 1927 includes: Frank Alexander Hilliard Karr
Sarah Rose Roberts goes by Sez, and Kiwi.
Sarah Rose Bergman was born on February 2, 1980, in Montrose, Iowa, USA.
The phone number of the Sarah Rose Museum is: 937-584-9590.