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Q: Whose hair does not appear to grow in the lord of the flies?
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Whose hair never seems to grow like all the others on lord of the flies?


Does your leg hair grow when you get goosebumps?

Yes, your leg hair can appear to grow when you get goosebumps because the muscles surrounding the hair follicles contract, causing the hair to stand up and appear longer.

Hair grow after death?

Hair does not grow after death but skin contracts which may make hair appear to be slightly longer.

What doesn't piggy's hair do in lord of the flies?

piggy's hair doesn't seem to grow

After you bleach your hair does your real color grow back?

Yes. Although it does grow back darker sometimes. It will just appear darker because you have lightened your hair.

How long does your hair grow after straightening it?

Your hair will not grow, but will appear longer. Depending on how curly/kinky and long your hair was before straightening...your hair could appear MUCH longer or barely longer at all. Try pulling your curls straight down as far as they go without hurting your scalp. That's about how long.

Does black hair only grow up into an afro style or can it grow down?

That depends greatly on genetics. There are many different types/textures of black hair, so some may grow "down" while others appear to grow outward or "up".

Does hair conditioner if you put a lot on it make you're hair grow faster?

No hair conditioner just cleans you'r hair i think it also makes youre hair soft:) Actually, conditioner does not clean hair, it merely conditions it. (Makes it appear healthier). Without going into too much detail, just be assured that it will not make it grow any faster, but can weigh it down to make it appear longer.

How long does your nails and hair grow when you die?

They do not continue to grow after death. The impression that they do comes from the fact that the body shrivels up a bit after death, making the hair and nails appear longer, although they have not grown.

If you dye your hair lots does it grow slower?

it doesnt effect the growth, but it does damage it and cause the ends to break off and make it appear to grow slower.

What doesn't piggys hair do in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy's hair does not grow long or become unkempt like some of the other boys' hair on the island. This is because Piggy remains focused on survival and maintaining a sense of order, rather than succumbing to the chaos and savagery that affects the other boys.

How do you grow long hair in 2 days?

You just can't, I'm really sorry! You can however style your hair to make it appear longer or you can add extensions.