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Jack in the beanstalks

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Q: Whose catchphrase was I'll blow the candle out?
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Ill huff and ill puff and ill blow your house down?

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You can help your spouse whose mother is ill and refusing help and therapy because helps the spouse what to expect and helps to know what to do at the moment.

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Yes, a steam cleaner can help soften and loosen candle wax from a carpet. Once the wax is softened, you can blot it up with a clean cloth or paper towel. It may take a few attempts to completely remove the wax from the carpet.

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It's not so much a blow more Ike a soft whistle. i jus blew in my girlfriends ear...she slapped me...said i did it the wrong way, apparently ur supposed to blow out of ur mouth.least ill know next time :)

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Not that sure... I would not advise you to do that espessialy if u are a fire eater but i think you would probably become very ill or there is a chance you might blow up

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