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It's not so much a blow more Ike a soft whistle.

i jus blew in my girlfriends ear...she slapped me...said i did it the wrong way, apparently ur supposed to blow out of ur mouth.least ill know next time :)

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14y ago

lightly on the ear or around the outnside of it. or lick her ear lobe.

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Q: How do you blow in a girl's ear to make her horny?
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Whisper in his ear, nibble his ear, rub his thigh, lick your lips, stare at him, a guy can get horny pretty easily if he is attracted to you. You might only have to just be close to him or rub against him to make him horny if he already thinks your hot. SOURCES: being a guy

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Pinching the ear lobe and shaking it gently while raising the eyebrows?

You get super horny :)

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"Ding o' the lug" is a Scottish term that refers to a slap on the ear. It is typically used to describe a sharp blow or strike to the ear.

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Here are some suggested explanations: * Because it's pleasurable and it's part of the act of foreplay (before sex). * Because some other guy has told them that girls like it. It's that simple. * I guess they think it is sexy. Guys should do it once, and if the girl likes it, then all the better, but some girls think it is a little weird. Guy's blow in girl's ear's because it turns most girl's on.

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Breath in, hold your nose and blow

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kiss her neck, breath in her ear, play with her clit. it depends on the girl. no girl is the same

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Only if there is no brain between the ears.

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A blow out only occurrs if the piercing is ripped or infected. a fresh piercing can blow out

How do you know when a guy is flurting with you?

watch the top of his ears, it they are pointy he is horny, and feels like having a sandwich. but if his ear is more circular he is still horny and want a sandwich. if you get him a sandwich and satisfy his needs his needs, he is definitely flirting with you.

What alarm is the most effective at waking people up?

A blow horn. Go and blow a blow horn in their ear and they will wake up. make sure to run because they will hurt that person who do it. Also a phone is good because it vibrates too and usually is right by the bed if not on the bed.