John Henry Hopkins, Jr. wrote both the words and music of "We three kings of Orient are" in 1857. The song was first published six years later in his collection entitled Carols, Hymns and Songs (1863).
Hopkins was born October 28, 1820 in Pittsburgh, PA and received his education at the University of Vermont (BS in 1839, MA in 1845). He continued his theological training at General Theological Seminary in New York City (1850). Shortly thereafter (1855-57), he became the first teacher of church music at the seminary.
Rev. Hopkins founded the Church Journal of the Episcopal Church and served as its editor for 16 years (1853-68). In 1872 he was ordained and served as rector of Trinity Church, Plattsburg, NY (1872-76) and of Christ Church, Williamsport, PA (1876-87).
Hopkins died August 14, 1891 in Troy, NY.
Use Somebody is a song by the American alternative rock group Kings of Leon. It was the second single from the band's fourth studio album Only by the Night, released on December 8, 2008.
We three Kings.
three days grace
Stan Pines wrote the first three books in gravity falls
Winter 1925-1933
We Three Kings Of Orient Are
From the "Orient" - the east.
Do They Know It's Christmas by Live Aid
we three kings of orient
We three kings of orient are
We Three Kings Of Orient Are
they were "wee" - (We) 3 kings
Kings (The bible talks of the three Kings of Orient who brought gifts to baby Jesus, also known as the three wise men).
The 3 Kings of Orient are were led to the West, that is they came from the Orient, the East....
they were "wee" - (We) 3 kings
The wise men or "kings of the orient" are commonly depicted in nativity scenes as three men of various ages and sizes, with no specific height or size mentioned in the Bible. They are traditionally portrayed as important figures who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the infant Jesus.
The carol "We Three Kings" contains the line "bearing gifts we traverse afar".