Use Somebody is a song by the American alternative rock group Kings of Leon. It was the second single from the band's fourth studio album Only by the Night, released on December 8, 2008.
Bob Dylan
todd snider mark marchetti shannon hill
can somebody die wit the RSD
Words and music are by Johnny Lange, Hy Heath and Sonny Burke. It's one of my favorites and has been sung by Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston and Mahalia Jackson to name just a few.
Somebody Wrote Love was created in 2006.
No they covered it Kings of Leon wrote it and sang it
agirl wrote that bruises on a lady i did is it wright for to have wrote and signed it
I need to know who write Somebody are to Testify
== ==
somebody did
who wrote the song, "SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL'??
Jacqueline Woodson
The bellamy brothers.
Josh Logan.
Either you wrote it there or someone pranked you and wrote it when you were asleep.
*Written Diane Warren wrote the song, 'Born To Be Somebody' for Justin Bieber.