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Q: Who wrote the song fever dog from almost famous?
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Who wrote the song almost here?

Who wrote the song almost.

Who wrote The Almost songs?

Who wrote the song almost.

What song does Adam Lambert sings that lady gaga wrote?

A song named Fever.

What famous song did she write?

The most famous song she wrote was Mary Had a Little Lamb.

What was the Bee Gee's most famous song?

Night fever

What movie was the song Almost There from?

It's from "I'd Rather Be Rich." Song was made famous by Andy Williams. Source is "Who Wrote That Song?" by Dick Jacobs & Harriet Jacobs. Great book, BTW.

What was john lennins most famous song?

John Lennon's most famous song is Imagine. It's a very famous song that he wrote.

You want to become a famous singer and you wrote a song what do you do now since you wrote the song and you want to be famous?

send it to a recording studieo or record company

What elton john song figured in the movie almost famous?

Tina Dancer was the song figured that played in Almost Famous. This is a well known movie.

What does eminems song almost famous song mean?

It is all aBout live

Who performed the song fever?

Little Willie John was the first to perform the song "Fever". It was made famous as a pop song by Peggy Lee. Please see the related links for lyrics and historical details.

Who wrote the famous song Run This?

There isn't a famous song called 'Run This', but there is a song called Run the World by the famous female singer Beyonce. This song was performed at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards.