Quirino Mendoza was the composer and song writer for the song "Cielito Lindo". Quirino Mendoza has worked with other Spanish artists like Enrique Iglesias and J-lo.
Alejandro Alcondez
It's amazing isn't it! Basically, Hava Nagila is a Jewish folk song, which Sheldon modified to say he'll "win the [nobel peace] prize". Good answer but the song is not a modified vesion of "Hava Nagila", It's actually a Mexican (?) song called Cielito Lindo, with the lyrics changed to say he'll "win the prize"
Who wrote the song almost.
Jimmy Cliff wrote the song Trapped.
Vicky Lindo is a textile designer.
Alejandro Alcondez
The duration of Cielito Lindo - film - is 1.52 hours.
Cielito Lindo - film - was created on 2007-06-18.
Cielito lindo - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R (certificate #46107)
the song is called "cielito lindo
Alejandro Alcondez
Alejandro Alcondez
Alejandro Alcondez
Alejandro Alcondez
Alejandro Alcondez
The cast of Cielito lindo - 1936 includes: Felipe de Flores Lupita Gallardo as Lupita Villasante Max Langler Lucha Reyes Isauro Ruiz Miguel Wimer
Alejandro Alcondez