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Dean Lindo?

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Q: Who was lindo hospital wing named after?
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Who was Lindo Wing at St Marys Hospital in London named after?

A plaque at the entrance states that the wing was paid for by an anonymous donor "who was not unmindful of his neighbors' needs" in 1937. However, apparently the wing is named after Frank Charles Lindo a wealthy Jew who paid for the wing. His mother Adeline came form from the Heilbut family and his father came from one of London's most famous Sephardi families. Though now seen as state-of-the-art, the wing was originally meant for "patients of moderate means" who were too well off to be treated in a charity hospital but who could not actually afford private care.

What is another word for building extension?

A building's extension is a wing. As in, "The hospital is adding a wing". Or, "They named it 'The Gonzo Wing' because Gonzo funded it".

What is a section of a hospital called?

A wing

What is a hospital wing?

Something like a hospital in a school, barrack, ship or spaceship. (Also known as Infirmary.)

Who does Ron call for after he wakes up in the hospital wing?


Did Ginny get in the hospital in the movie?

Not for herself, but she sat by Ron's bed in the hospital wing after he was poisoned in the Half-Blood Prince film. In the second book, she was sent to the hospital wing after being rescued from the Chamber of Secrets, but that part wasn't shown in the movie version.

Who is vicki lindo?

Vicky Lindo is a textile designer.

Is there a morgue in Southampton General Hospital?

yes its on A level south wing.

Where do most surgeon work at?

they work in the hospital (they usually have there own wing)

What is named after Peyton Manning?

there is a childrens hospital named after him.

What is the definition of lindo?

Beautiful Daddy.

Is there a hospital in Lagos Nigeria named Victory?

No, there is no hospital in Lagos, Nigeria that has been named Victory. However, there is one that is called Victoria Island Consultancy & Hospital.