Those are lyrics from the song 'All in Love is Fair' by Stevie Wonder.
You can search for the lyrics at
The song is called Letters From the Sky by Civil Twilight
I think their was a Beatle song like tht had those lyrics in it. My chorus sang it for our school and they luved it!
Why Do Fools Fall in Love by Frankie Lyman and the Teenagers
vampire love
Immature wrote the lyrics to Just a Little Bit.
You Can by David Archuleta
"Love Story" was written by Taylor Swift.
The Person who wrote the state anthem was Steve Karmen he wrote the lyrics to i love new york
She wrote it for her boyfriend Justin Bieber (listen closely to the lyrics)
lol its called never thought id fall in love. its by billy ray cyrus No. it's Insomnia by Craig David.
Tombons amoureux à Paris.
Those are lyrics from the song 'All in Love is Fair' by Stevie Wonder.
Way Back Into Love