Laura Hillman is the person who wrote 'i will plant you a lilac tree'.
The song is called Black Horse & the Cherry Tree, by KT Tunstall.
The lyrics you provided do not match any known song in popular music. It is possible that they are from a lesser-known or independent song, or they may be original lyrics. Without further context or information, it is difficult to identify the specific song you are referring to.
KT Tunstall
The theme song is "Family Tree" by Rain Perry. You can find it on youtube, but she has not recorded it on CD yet.
yes dogwood is a tree
The scientific genus of the dogwood tree is cornus.
The state tree is the flowering dogwood.
Dogwood is a type of tree.
-flowering dogwood. !
By its barkThe dogwood tree is all about what happened to CHRIST on the cross.
According to a fictitious legend, Jesus Christ was impaled on a dogwood tree. Because of his compassion for the dogwood and so that it would no longer be used as an instrument of impalement, Jesus decreed that it should become a smaller tree and that its petals should bear the marks of the nailprints in his hands. This, says tradition, resulted in the rust-colored touches around the notches in the bracts. So prominent has this legend become that it is the only thing many people think of when they see the dogwood today. But, it should be noted that this is only fictitious tradition. The Bible says nothing of the sort. The Bible does not identify the type of tree used in his execution. Maybe because the type of tree is of little or no importance. What is important is what his sacrificial death means. His death is a ransom paid for our sinful condition brought on by the willful sin of our first human father, Adam. A search of several diverse translations and paraphrases of the Bible reveal no references to dogwood.
No. Although the Legend of the Dogwood is a lovely story, the Bible does not identify the type of wood from which the Cross was made.
Dogwood tree leaves.
Red Pine is the state tree of Minnesota as dogwood is the state tree of Virginia.
The flowering dogwood was adopted as Missouri's official state tree in 1955.