Who sang the last song from the movie in Black Rain?
Ride the White Horse is a song performed by English electronic music duo Goldfrapp.
I believe the song you are thinking of is "I Want You" by Savage Garden.
Alannah Myles is the original singer of the song. Melissa Etheridge later sang a version of the song also.
Eagle Eye Cherry `9th augut 2010
Billy Joe Royal.
Neneh Cherry
Who sang the original gangsters special song
Billy Joe Royal.
Ozzy and Kelly Osbourne had a hit with it in the 90s, but Black Sabbath did the original on their album Vol. 4.
Tab Hunter
"Play That Funky Music" was originally recorded by Wild Cherry.
Who sang the last song from the movie in Black Rain?
Ride the White Horse is a song performed by English electronic music duo Goldfrapp.
I believe the song you are thinking of is "I Want You" by Savage Garden.
Los Bravos