deadpool is the merc with the mouth while when sailor venus is just a sailor scout
perfect cell would win. that's because popeye would be really fat and out of strength whil cell could blast his head off
Clean underware and season 2 of Barnie
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
APEX: A musilm sailor uses a magnetic compass to navigate from China to India
Both breeds will not fight a bull. They would only chace them.
that would not be a good fight
it would not be a good idea deadpool will probably embarrass her
I don't think so
deadpool would smash the crap out of him
Deadpool's healing abilities would give him a serious edge in a fight with Boba Fett.
deadpool and spideman
Deadpool will win over deathstrokes as he can teleportis a super ninjahas adumintium swordsis funny as hell
A battle between Deadpool and Spawn is known that Spawn would win because there is no possible way that he can die and Deadpool actually died in an alternate universe. If they fight I'll cheer for the Merk with the Mouth but I have to face that Spawn's Rage would result in a victory. Though the fight would be a long one...
Weapon 11 / Deadpool
Sailor Moon would win.
Superman. He can fly. He would fly him all the way to fortress of solitude and fight him there. Hawkeye could only have kryptonite arrows to defeat Superman. Superman would burn him on the arm and punch him in the face and throw him and then punch him into space and then fly him to Metropolis and punch him 7 times to knock him out. Superman wins all the way.