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Clean underware and season 2 of Barnie

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Q: What would a sailor take with him?
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What were Tudor sailor sailor superstitions?

That the would die

What is a sailor's assent?

A sailor's agreement or assent would be "aye."

Who would win in a fight Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy or Sailor Moon?

Sailor Moon would win.

When did sailor Uranus kill SAILOR Pluto?

when galaxia takes sailor neptune and sailor uranus star seed and makes them her minions which they take Saturn and plutos star seed under her order

What does it take to be a sailor?

Sea Legs And A Parrot

Who would win wedding peach or Sailor Moon?

sailor moon all the way

Who would win in a fight deadpool or sailor venus?

deadpool is the merc with the mouth while when sailor venus is just a sailor scout

How long does it take to sail from London to Egypt in a sailboat?

If you are a sailor you will know the answer to this question. If you're not a sailor, don't try it.

What weather prediction did the proverb line Red sky at night sailor and delight make?

A red sun at morning, Sailor take warning. A red sun at night Is a Sailor's delight. So storms would come after a red sun at morning and pleasant weather after a red sun at night.

What shall you do with the drunkern sailor?

Take him back to his ship.

In what episode of sailor moon are the sailor scouts kidnapped?

There isn't an episode in which all of the sailor scouts are kidnapped. The closest to a kidnapping would be in Sailor Moon R when Sailor moon is aducted by Prince Diamond and the is episode 83

What is a good sailor costume?

A good sailor costume would involve the traditional white sailor uniform with the white hat. These costumes can be found at the website