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could go either way but probably tiger cause it was bigger.

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14y ago

On land the wolf, in the water the shark

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13y ago

the shark. definitely.

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Q: Who would win in a fight a swordfish or hammerhead shark?
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Who would win in a fight a tiger shark or hammerhead shark?

Mostly the Tiger shark would win. Most species of hammer heads are smaller than the tiger shark and hence would lose.

Which are the animals that are termed as hammerhead?

The most commonly known "hammerhead" in nature would be the hammerhead shark.

Would a killer whale win a fight against a shark?

A killer whale would win all the way. The biggest specie of hammerhead shark the great hammerhead can measure up to 6.1 metres where as an adult male killer whale can measure from 6-9.7 metres so killer whales are usually bigger and packed with muscle. As well as this a killer whales are faster with a top speed of 35 mph whereas a hammerhead can swim at about 25mph also the killer whale can put a hammerhead shark into tonic immobility.

What makes the hammerhead shark unique?

A hammerhead shark is unique because its head looks like a big hammer. That's why it's called a hammerhead shark, of course!

Who would win in a fight a bull shark or hammerhead shark?

Probably a bullshark. They're more aggressive, and powerful. Also, hammerheads are designed to eat small, round prey, not huge sharks.

How does a hammerhead shark live?

The hammerhead shark has to live in big groups of them, you would usually find them in the Australian seas at the bottom floating around waiting to kill their pray.

What would win a fight - an octopus or a shark?

A shark

How would a hammerhead shark die if it stop swimming?

Swimming helps to force water through the shark's gills, providing the shark with oxygen; the shark may not get enough oxygen otherwise.

Who would win in a fight baricuda or shark?

A shark or a baricuda it really depends on were they fight. Most likely the shark.

What would win in a fight a puma or shark?

a tiger would win

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