Scientifically, Dolphins. Unless it was 1 dolphin vs. 1 Shark, but since that doesn't happen, and Dolphins stay together, Dolphins. Dolphins circle the Shark until it goes away. There's never a fight.
it depends of what type of shark like lets say great hammerhead.Well if no one has ever seen a shark or anaconda fight then anaconda would probally win with
squeezing it to death or if the hammerhead can bite the anaconda's head leaving
it to die.It's much likely for the anaconda to win.
The Panther would win because the shark would run out of air and would die, then the panther would eat it.
obviously a shark the dolphin is just gonna sit their and scream while the shark kills its prey Anthony J.Suero
A piranha won't survive against a yellow anaconda or green anaconda. It doesn't have the size and jaw size to do damage to the anaconda. Against a yellow anaconda, you would need at least 10 piranhas to win. Against a green anaconda, you would need at least 50 piranhas to win.
That is a trick question, if the fight were to be near a lake or forest, the bear would win. If the fight were to take place up in a rocky place, the mountain lion would win. if the fight were to be in a lake, the crocodile would win.
could go either way but probably tiger cause it was bigger.
Alligators are fresh water animals, sharks (with a few exceptions) are salt water. Crocodiles are salt water animals, and they probably eat as many sharks as sharks eat crocodiles. ~ All a shark would have to do is bite the Alligators stomach when it goes for air
I saw a video of this five minutes ago on animal planet and the shark won!
In a fight between a crocodile and a shark, the outcome would depend on the location. In water, the advantage would likely be with the shark due to its agility and ability to swim faster. On land or in shallow waters, the crocodile's powerful bite and armored body would give it the upper hand.
Crocodile would win
The crocodile would win in water. On land, a 16 ft or bigger crocodile would be safe from a lion.
It depends on how big the anaconda or crocodile is. A nile river crocodile fighting a black anaconda will win easily by crunching it to death. A giant green anaconda fighting an Indus crocodile will win by crushing its body to death.
nile crocodile who would win
crocodile would win
Possibly the crocodile.