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Q: Who would win in a fight a hippogriff or Griffin?
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Joe took Peter, Cleveland, & Quagmire & owned them.

Who would win a fight between a dragon or griffin?

dragon because on bakugan dragonoid beats griffon

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They would both die in a fiery barrage of atomic bombs from Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin.

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Considering Peter has walked away from each fight while Ernie lain beaten and bloody, and considering he's the main character on the show, Peter would ultimately win.

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Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.

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John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight

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I would win.

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Obviously Stan Smith. He carries a gun and would simply shoot Peter.

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In an all-out fight (not race) a bear would win. In a race of speed, obviously the cheetah would win.

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pacman would win and they are going to fight in may 2012

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I think that Lady Gaga would win that fight!