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Neither. They were both raised in nice, respectable families and didn't fight.

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Q: Who would win in a fight Greg Brady or Wally Cleaver?
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On what show would you have met Wally Cleaver Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford?

Leave It To Beaver

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Fonzie. Hands down. He would hit Alice in the face with a side punch then music would start playing uncontrollably from her mouth, rendering her unable to fight.

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Definite brady

How old is Eldridge Cleaver?

Eldridge Cleaver was born on August 31, 1935 and died on May 1, 1998. Eldridge Cleaver would have been 62 years old at the time of death or 79 years old today.

How do you say Brady in Irish?

If Brady is being used as a first name it would probably be just "Brady"; but if you mean the surname Brady it would be Mac Bradaigh (Son of Bradach).

How did Theodore Cleaver get the name Beaver in the old TV show 'Leave It To Beaver'?

In the old TV show "Leave It To Beaver," Theodore Cleaver got the nickname "Beaver" because his real name was Theodore, which sounds like "Theodore Beaver." His older brother, Wally, initially called him "Beaver" as a mispronunciation of his real name. The nickname stuck and became his commonly used name throughout the show.

How do you say Brady in Irish Gaelic?

If Brady is being used as a first name it would probably be just "Brady"; but if you mean the surname Brady it would be Mac Bradaigh (Son of Bradach).

How would you say Brady's kiss in spanish?

El beso de Brady

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If Brady found out about Boz, he would be mad at Boomer for being a trader. Everyone know what a fricking loser Brady is!

What school did beaver cleaver go to?

Mayfield High . <.................This is wrong. Mayfield High is where Walley Cleaver went to school. Beaver Cleaver went to Grant Avenue Grammar School.

Who is Melissa peterman married to?

Jim Brady, they have a child together. NO, THAT WOULD BE JOHN BRADY, not Jim!!!

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