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never make dogs fight, and im 100% not a dog fighter sport, but kangals are defenitally stronger and faster, but if you want smarter, and muc more loyal and easy to train, germans shepard all the way, theres a reason why the military use german shepard

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A jaguar is larger and stronger than a german shepherd, but also it has thicker claws that can swat the dog, knocking it out. In fact, jaguars can climb trees, attack crocodiles, and fight wild dogs.

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Q: Who would win in a fight German Shepherd vs Turkish kangal?
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Who would win a fight a golden retriever or a German shepherd?

German Shepherd- because it is more fierce and the golden retriever is most friendly to other animals. However, it is not the size of the dog in the fight is the amount of fight in the dog. If they were both to fight for their owners I think the golden retriever would win if you have its maximum friendliness because it will please its owner until death that is its purpose in life. It will also allow the owner to achieve a much higher friendship level.

Who would win lynx or German shepherd?

I'd say if it was a trained hunting german shepherd (those that catch thieves and all) could win against the lynx. (We all know felids other than normal domestic ones can put up a fight against canids due to being weaponized to sh*t) Being larger and having more endurance, the dog is likely to snatch onto the neck of the lynx and thrash it to death. But if the lynx manages to pounce and hold on, the big *ss cat could win. All depends on the situation and environment. Dogs are canids that we humans had bred and evolved it into doing certain tasks after all. So we could possibly have giant dog breeds who can actually use their claws and can hunt down bigger felids like lions or tigers in the next 500 or 1000 years of evolution.

What dog would win in a fight pit bull or Doberman?

An shar pei would win because i have an shar pei it got in an fight with an good pit bull and won and my dog still good today and there bite force is an little bit away from it and shar peis where for fighting back then and not pit bulls even though an pit bull has more bite force shar pei show more meaness

Are fight clubs illegal?

First rule about Fight Club: You never talk about Fight Club.

Did kiely Williams and Sabrina Bryan have a fight?

Yes they did have a fight, they had a fist fight.

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What is an Anatolian Shepherd dog?

The Anatolian Shepherd dog is a large breed of dog that comes from ancient lines. Their traditional role was to protect livestock and territory as their instinct is that of a guardian. Deeanna Harrington

Who will win kurdish kangal or German shepherd?

It is impossible to predict the outcome of a hypothetical fight between a Kurdish Kangal and a German Shepherd. Both breeds have their unique strengths, and the result would depend on various factors such as size, temperament, and training of the individual dogs. It is important to focus on responsible pet ownership, providing proper care, training, and socialization for whichever breed you choose.

What will win in a fight a alsation or a german Shepherd?

a german shepard

Who will win in a fight between a german shepherd and a python?

A python is stronger, thicker, and longer than a german shepherd, but a german shepherd is faster and can bite the python if the dog is fast enough.

Can a golden retriever fight off a german shepherd?

No. The german shepherd is stronger and has sharper teeth/faster speed than a golden retriever.

How do you know when German shepherd is through with labor?

German shephers have a strong canine if they have to fight for their master they will not eveb spare lion.

Who would win in a fight a German shepherd or a chihuahua?

1 german shepherd vs 1 coyote I would put my money on the German Shepherd However you're talking about a wild animal hardened by natural selection and survival versus a tame pet. Wild animals know how to fight and survive. Shepherd versus 3 coyotes, 3 coyotes wins hands down. Even 2 coyotes would very likely be victorious. They know how to bite to kill, tame shepherd does not.

Could a German shepherd give birth to wolves?

No, the German Shepherd became a breed by having general Shepherd dogs bred together until they had a standard.

Who will win in a fight a German Shepherd or chihuahua?

Chihuahua yummy, Good Snack, Gimmy Gimmy. Answer Provided by Max the neighbors German Shepard.

What will in kangal or pitbull?

A Kangal would win a fight against a Pitbull. they are the strongest and bravest dog breed . it has the strongest bite force The current record holder, however, is the Turkish kangal. It has been recorded as having a bite equal to 714 lbs! This is stronger than a wolf and a bulldog (or pitbull) put together, and is a result of its wide jaw and heavybuild. There is a report that a Kangal killed a lion , In turkey Kangals kill wolves every day , to protect the herd (sheeps,cows...) lions are surprised and scared of how brave the kangals are check out this video I found , linked below.

What is faster a husky or a German shepherd?

It depends on what type of competition the German Shepherd and the Husky is entered in. If it is a sledding or pulling competition, the Husky will excel at it. However, the German Shepherd is more likely to win a herding, obedience, schutzhund and tracking competition.Answer 2In a fight, a husky is more likely to win. A husky has a stronger bite and more strength than a german shepherd. (This answer is based on screen play of the Jack London novel "Call of the Wild" in which a Husky named Buck fights and drives off his German Shepherd rival for Alpha position on the sled team.) In reality, a German Shepherd is the larger more powerful dog of the two breeds and has higher intelligence. In a fight, a German Shepherd would most certainly win in most cases. Huskies are a working breed of dog that are bred to pull sleds and not fight. Although German Shepherds were not originally bred for fighting they are a herding breed who's duty included driving off predators like Wolves to protect the flock. They have also been trained for military and police work further suggesting that are more suited for a fight than a Husky.

Can your Aussie have puppies with a German shepherd?

Pretty much any dog breeds can mate if they are male and female. But I recommend next time you post, instead of saying "get it going on" say mate.So yes.