Assuming a bear and a shark of the same weight and maturity level, I would go with the shark. The shark would drag the bear into the water a drown him. The shark would also have tasty bear soup afterwords. :-)
This is a complex question given the range in size (and species) of bear. Black Bears tend to weigh around 250 lbs (summer weight) but this can vary widely depending upon location. In areas where black bears are sympatric with grizzlies, the black bears tend to be smaller. In Yellowstone National Park, black bear males are approximately 200 lbs (females are about 25% smaller).
However, in Manitoba, Canada, there are no grizzlies and black bears are much larger and more aggressive. Here, the average summer weight is around 400 lbs. Some black bears can exceed 600 lbs.
So, in general, a male lion, typically around 420 lbs (fully mature at around 7 years of age - see Smuts), will dominate a black bear, but the largest black bears will be too much (the realistic max size for a lion is about 500 lbs. 550 lbs is exception.
A lion would have a decent chance against a grizzly, however, the advantage would be to the bear. Grizzlies tend to hover around 500 lbs in summer although they too can vary greatly in weight, with some reaching 900 lbs, too much for any cat.
In terms of tigers killing bears, this is true, but the bears are mainly the smaller Asiatic black bear or the sloth bear. brown bears have been taken by the Amur tiger, but they are invariably smaller females or adolescent males. There is no confirmed record of a mature male bear succumbing to a tiger.
Lions do not inhabit the same regions as bears however, in the past they did.
Ultimately, the brown bear will be dominant over the lion (or tiger) but the lion (or tiger) will (usually) be able to beat a black bear.
And the controversy rages on...
The bear has better defense and strength than the bull. In a fight like this, the bull is a better fighter, but the bear is heavier in weight and much more bulky. Although the bull is a little bit faster than the bear, the bear tends to be more involved with killing. Also, bears are strong carnivores. If a bear was to fight a bull, the bear would get the bull at the end.
The Panther would win because the shark would run out of air and would die, then the panther would eat it.
The panther. Panthers are either leopards, jaguars or mountain lions, and as large predators, they would probably win.
If the alligator is an adult, it should win.
the bull
obviously a shark the dolphin is just gonna sit their and scream while the shark kills its prey Anthony J.Suero
a panther on land and a shark in water
The Panther would win because the shark would run out of air and would die, then the panther would eat it.
A killer whale would
The gorilla would win because it would grab the panther and snap its neck.
The lion would win.
In the water a Tiger would have no chance against a 10 times as heavy shark but on land the tiger would win because a shark can't breath in air
The panther would win because it would jump on the small ox's back and pierce its teeth into it.
a tiger would win
the shark would win unless its a large jelly species.
The medium ox would win because it would gore the panther to death like a large ox would.
Avatar and the panther jumps on the soldier robot's back and the panther claws the robot's head and then reaches for the throat. Avatar slices the robot's head and slashes it. The robot would probably win by hitting the panther and stabbing it with the knife. Avatar would have no chance against the robot unless he reaches for the head.
The large ox because it would gore the panther to death.