An Artic wolf would win Wolfs ar biger than foxes.
A horse can kill just one wolf. Wolf pack would be a different story.
A lion would win because it can even kill a wolf.
a ram will win because its fast and has horns to protect itself
According to the site provided in the Related Links area, it does not say who will win, but, I believe the wolf might win against a cheetah in a fight, but not in a race.
A wolf would eat it.
It depends. If it is a gray wolf, then a wolf would win. But if it is a smaller type of wolf, then a hyena might win.
A single bear would win against a single wolf.
everybody knows the ram would win cause of his horns
A wolf.
if it were a gray wolf then maybe the wolf would win.
At night the vampire would win but in the day the wolf would win. Actually... Mythologicly speaking if its a "werewolf", and not just a wolf. Then the werewolf would win because its supposidly the only thing a vampire is afraid of.
Ofcourse brown bear would win against a wolf one on one.