everybody knows arceus is better i dont even know where you came up with this question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!arceus can transform into any type!!!!
Arceus. No contest. Though it breaks my heart to admit that Giratina and Dialga would lose =/
The elephant would win.
obviously army to army Persians would win by tactics but one to one a barbarian would win
Kyogre Good Points----------------------------------------------------------Kyogre is good for Sp. Attack and Sp.Defense.Kyogre has better stats.Kyogre learns mostly Sp. Attack moves.Kyogre's best nature is the RASH nature.----------------------------------------------------------Groudon Good Points----------------------------------------------------------Groudon is good for Attack and Defense.Groudon has better moves.Groudon's best nature is BRAVE nature.Learns Earthquake!----------------------------------------------------------Kyogre Bad Points----------------------------------------------------------Kyogre has worse moves but gets better moves than Groudon when A high level.----------------------------------------------------------Groudon Bad Points----------------------------------------------------------Groudon learns Sp. attack moves when it is better with Attack.Ground type.----------------------------------------------------------
raiden would win
dialga would win giratina is week to dragon type moves
rayquaza would then groudon then kyogue
giratina he would beat the.......... out of arcues
In a battle Groudon,would win you see groudon has 150 attack and 140 defense kyogre has 90 attack and 90 defense threfore groudon rules!
In a battle Groudon,would win you see groudon has 150 attack and 140 defense kyogre has 90 attack and 90 defense threfore groudon rules!
Groudon (2094.4 lbs)Giratina (Altered) (1653.5 lbs)Dialga (1505.8 lbs) Giratina (Origin) (1433.0 lbs)Metagross (1212.5 lbs)Snorlax (1041.1 lbs) These stats takes form Bulbgardens.com
Kyogre because Kyogre is Water and Groudon is ground, which is weak to water.
giratina palkia groudon lugia dialga and= Deoxys all level100! for me! =
I imagine it would depend on what level they were, and also where the fight was. Kiogre is excellent in the water, and Groudon is superior on the ground. In a fight between them, even though I favor Groudon in a party, I would say whoever has the first move (higher speed stat), and if they can't kill the other in one move, then I think Kyogre would win, since ground is weak against water attacks.
You can find Giratina in the Distron world, you have to battle and win against Cyrus, the Team Galactic's Boss and then you will be able to battle and catch Giratina.
No. no superpower Pokemon (rayquaza, mewtwo, regigas, groudon, kyogre, etc.) are allowed in the battle frontier.