Giganotosaurus. Spinosaurus was a slimmer animal and was believed to have fed on fish. In the movie Jurassic Park Three, spinosaurus kills a t rex. T rex was also too heavy for a spinosaur to win in a fight.That scene was pure Hollywood!
Spinosaurus would win.It was much bigger than any dinosaur that lived mostly giganotosaurus , it's jaw was strong enough to break through its neck.
I disagree with the Above statement. The spinosaurus is was the largest dinosaur to ever walk the earth. It measured at close to 60 feet long and weighed up to 9 tons. This is more than 2000 pounds more than any t rex. In addition to that they hand massive 7 foot arms with 15 inch extremely sharp talons on the end making it a formidable dino. These were swung with somewhere over 4500 pounds of pressure making their arms one of the most deadly weapons this planet has ever known
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Well first off these two dinosaurs did not live at the same time or place but lets ignore that.The two biggest predatory dinosaurs go head to head who would win? the answer is Giganotosaurus. Why? because Giginotosaurus was built better for a battle. Unlike Spinosaurus' six foot long narrow skull, Giganotosaurus' six foot skull was robust and large, basically the opposite of narrow. Plus its teeth are another factor to bring into the equation. Spinosaurus' teeth were very long; some were up to 9 inches. But they were also incredibly thin. Where as Giganotosaurus' teeth were not as long, only up to 5 inches but better suited for a hard blow because they to were robust. Spino's teeth under to much stress would break; a possible example of this kind of stress is if the spinosaurus bit the giganotosaur and wouldn't let go. The giginotosaurus would have struggled, and it would have created enough tork to break spinos' teeth. However on the other-hand giganotosaurus' teeth could have delt with a struggling spinosaur and inflicted large wounds on the "spined lizard"especially if it used the puncture and pull technique. Where the attacking animal bites and forcefully pulls back on the prey item or in this case opponent. One thing spinosaurus has that could do damage to giganotosaurus is its massive claws. However the spinosaur would have to hit the "giant southern lizard" wear it couldn't defend itself, past the head and teeth. And I imagine that the giganotosaur wouldn't allow spino to do this because it would probably have its gaze fixated on the behemoth. Giganotosaurus was also lighter than Spinosaurus. Giganotosaurus weighed eight tons, while spinosaurus weighed nine. Being lighter could be a double edged sword in some cases but in this case it is better for giganotosaurus. It would be able to move faster or be more agil than spinosaurus. All of these factors would ultimatly lead up to the dimise of spinosaurus, but one thing is for sure- it would have been amazing to watch.
the question is clear the spinosaurus would win. even though the t rex is the dinosaur king the spinosaurus is larger, stronger, and more of a swimmer than a t rex. also the t rex has tiny two clawed arms and the spinosaurus has long three clawed arms. plus the sinosaurus can jump farther and hit harder when jumping towards something. its arms can help the spinosaurus to jump farther by using them as legs. That guy above me is totally incorrect. Most likely some kid that just watched jurassic park 3. First of all if spinosaurus fell, it would die instantly because the spine is connected to the fin. And also, the spinosaurus is not stronger than the t-rex, Researches found that the T-rex may be the strongest bite force that a land animal ever existing. And also, T-rex and Spino both lived on different places, so they would never fight each other. Spino's jaws aren't meant for killing dinosaurs however they are meant for catching fish unlike the t-rex which had experience killing dinosaurs.
x A spinosaurus is bigger in size and its mouth is longer so that gives it a range advantage, but the T-rex is built for fighting other theropods. A trex is much more heavily built but spinosaurus has high size so it could use it to knock over the t rex and this isnt UFC so its not a brawl on the ground my overall answer is Spino=56% T-rex=44%
The elephant would win.
obviously army to army Persians would win by tactics but one to one a barbarian would win
raiden would win
Its Spinosaurus then the Second is Giganotosaurus and the 3rd is Tyrannosaurus
Spinosaurus would be able to win this pretty easily, considering Baryonyx was much smaller.
Giganotosaurus spinosaurus carcharodontosaurus and allosaurus.
my money is on giganotosaurus!!!Good answer, whoever answered this. But what did you bet? All your money? Well then, you win then! Giganotosaurus carolinii evolved from Carcharodontosaurus saharicus. Since it evolved from it, Giganotosaurus is more advanced.But he is just a little smarter, in other words, he is almost as dumb as carcharodontosaurus. But the species lived and died 97 million years ago, evolving into mapusaurus roseae. Carcharodontosaurus, however, lived 7 million years, that is 100-93 million years ago. they both have something dumb in common; they are lone hunters! So they probably could've been defeated by the fast, the advanced, and the smart mapusaurus roseae.
mapusarus would win in a fight because spinosaurus only ate fish so its teeth were small and brittle plus it was only 18 to 20 feet tall so spinosaurus would not win under any cercomstanses
No. Carcharodontosaurus was about 14m long, slightly smaller than giganotosaurus and 4m smaller than spinosaurus. Hieght wise it was about the same as giganotosaurs and T-Rex but shorter than spinosaurus. Its weight was around 7-8t, similar to giganotosaurus, more than T-Rex but less than Spinosaurus.
Gigantosaurus is a poorly known herbivorous dinosaur, and is not to be confused with Giganotosaurus. Giganotosaurus is the third largest carnivorous dinosaur known, behind Spinosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus.
Whoever made the first mistake
Spinosaurus has had many misleading interpritations (such as in Jurassic park and more recently, primeval). Giganotosaurus was the largest carnivorous dinosaur (spinosaurus was actually just a scavanger and much smaller than a t-rex)
spinosaurus because it's bigger