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John Cena won last night

It was a very close match, even though that John Cena was beaten bad. He still won!!!!!!

john cena made batista tap out

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14y ago
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14y ago

Yes, three times. 1st, at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. 2nd, at Extreme Rules, in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship. 3rd and last, at WWE's Over the Limit, in an I Quit Match, also for the WWE Championship.

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15y ago

yup, cena win match against batista. but batista got disqualify and gave a sveare beaty to cena. but finally cena is going to wrestelmania against batista

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14y ago

I think yesterday on monday night raw he attack wade barett.

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john cena house, well actually i cant tell you but what i can tell you is that John Cena, Edge ( cant tell you his real first name) and Batista (just to name a few) live near me, edge lives less than a half mile from me, and i went bowling with John Cena last night (2-9-08) Batista... Or i would tell you were they live because i cant keep a secrit... he lives on none of your bussnes.

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2010: cena won then McMahon mad him go against batista out of no where when cena was like broke down and batista took it and Smackdown: Jericho won wen Shawn michaels came out of no where and sweet chinned music undertaker in the chamber

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on monday night raw last night john cena was to face randy orton for a speacial reefere match at survivor series and wade barret disqulified john cena so cena won the match n he choose john cena to be the special refere an he said tht he would be discharged of any thing of nexus

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hell no watz rong wid u

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Yes and he is apparently "fired" after last night on survivor series

Did JBL kill John Cena?

No Because On Smackdown They Said That John Was Lucky To Be Alivealso last night on raw i saw john cena yell at jblwhat do u mean wat happen wit cena