She wouldn't favor a country over another. She loves all her monsters equally.
Depends where you live and what the law is in your country. The record containing that sequence is over 50 years old, so in the UK is public domain. But the film sequence, despite being the same age, is not..
Not exactly, He does have a southern accent but in his act he over emphasises it to sound "Extra" country.
She was the first child to pee of a cliff and rape someone at the same time
Its a song from a south Indian Telugu movie named Munna. Songs name is "vastava vastava" in the album Munna, the specific music starts when the song is about 12 seconds in
Richard E. Byrd was a navigator and expedition leader who claimed that he was the first to fly over the South and North Poles. However, his claims were disputed and majority of polar experts believe that Roald Amundsen has the first verifiable flight claim to each pole.
The first country to experience a hole in the ozone layer was Antarctica. The ozone hole was first discovered in the 1980s over the South Pole.
Robert Falcon Scott
It is diminishing most near the south pole. Australia is the country.
The north pole is over water and the south pole is over land.
South Pole is located over Antarctica.
The sky is over the entire earth. it is the same distance from the north pole as it is the south.
No flights 'go over' the South Pole. Supply planes land at the South Pole and take off from there. These supply planes are operated by the USA military and are dedicated to scientific research.
Once a year, in the late winter / early spring, there is an ozone hole over the south pole. And six months later, there is one over the north pole.
There is an orb at what is called the ceremonial South Pole, plus there is a marker which is relocated to accuracy annually, because the ice over the pole moves.
The North Pole is over the Arctic Ocean. The South Pole is over Antarctica, which is a landmass.
Amundsen was among the first explorers to winter-over in Antarctica: 1899; he lead the team that was first to set foot at the South Pole: 1911; he also lead the team to successfully navigate the Northern Passage: 1903-1906; first uncontested explorer to reach the North Pole (after reaching the South Pole): 1925.