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Bill Rancic

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Q: Who was the first ever winner of The Apprentice?
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Do contestants get paid to be on celebrity apprentice?

Nope. When a team wins then the project manager of that team gets $20,000 for their charity. The winner of the finale gets a $250,000 grand prize for their charity

Where is The Apprentice filmed?

from sept to dec 2009 (the apprentice 2010). The apprentice is normally about a year old before its shown on TV.

Who is Gaara's apprentice in the manga series 'Naruto'?

His apprentice is Matsuri, from the Ultimate Weapon arc.

Wwe Royal rumble wins 1988-2009?

1988 Winner: Hacksaw Jim Duggan - first ever winner of event.» 1989 Winner: Big John Studd (via eliminating Ted DiBiase).» 1990 Winner: Hulk Hogan (via eliminating Mr. Perfect).» 1991 Winner: Hulk Hogan (via eliminating Earthquake).» 1992 Winner: Ric Flair (via eliminating Sid Justice).» 1993 Winner: Yokozuna (via eliminating Randy Savage).» 1994 Winner(s): Bret Hart/Lex Luger - both men eliminated each other at same time to become '94 co-winners.» 1995 Winner: Shawn Michaels (via eliminating British Bulldog).» 1996 Winner: Shawn Michaels (via eliminating Diesel).» 1997 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating Bret Hart).(Note: Bret Hart originally eliminated Austin when officials were not looking but Austin rolled back in and continued the match to eliminate Hart)» 1998 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating The Rock).» 1999 Winner: Vince McMahon (via eliminating Steve Austin).» 2000 Winner: The Rock (via eliminating Big Show).» 2001 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating Kane).» 2002 Winner: Triple H (via eliminating Kurt Angle).» 2003 Winner: Brock Lesnar (via eliminating The Undertaker).» 2004 Winner: Chris Benoit (via eliminating Big Show).» 2005 Winner: Batista (via eliminating John Cena).» 2006 Winner: Rey Mysterio (via eliminating Randy Orton).» 2007 Winner: The Undertaker (via eliminating Shawn Michaels).» 2008 Winner: John Cena (via eliminating Triple H).Source:

Who was ranofers father and what was his occupation?

he is an apprentice

Related questions

Where is the first winner of the apprentice?

The first winner of "The Apprentice" was Bill Rancic, and he was hired by Donald Trump.

Who was the winner of the first season of Donald Trump's The Apprentice?

Bill Rancic

Who is the most successful winner of The Apprentice?

Donald Trump, the original host of The Apprentice, went on to become President of the United States. However, in terms of business success, Bill Rancic, winner of the first season, has had a successful career as an entrepreneur and real estate developer.

Who was the winner of Junior Apprentice 2010?

the winner is Arjun Vijayam

Who is the winner of celebrity apprentice?

Peter Stringfellow

Who won on the apprentice 2011?

Tom Pellarau was the winner!

When is the 2009 apprentice final?

The Celebrity apprentice finale aired Sunday May 10.The winner was Joan Rivers.

What day was the 1861 Melbourne Cup on?

it was archer. the ffirst ever winner of the melbourne cup also the first ever back to back winner of the cup

Who was Sandstorm's first apprentice?

Sandstorm's first apprentice was Sorreltail.

Who was the first winner of miss America in 1925?

The 1925 winner of Miss America was Fay Lanphier from Oakland, California. However, she was not the first winner of the competition. The winner of the first ever Miss America beauty pageant in 1921 was Margaret Gorman of Washington, D.C.

Did a NHL President's Trophy Winner ever get beat in the first round of playoffs?


Who will win the apprentice 2013?

As of July 2013, it is now known that the winner of the television series The Apprentice is Leah Totton. Leah plans on putting the money into her medical cosmetics business.