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he is an apprentice

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Justine Wiegand

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Q: Who was ranofers father and what was his occupation?
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Who was ranofers father in the golden goblet and what was his occupation?

Ranofer's father in "The Golden Goblet" is Thutra. He is a goldsmith who is known for creating exquisite jewelry and precious ornaments. Thutra's skill as a goldsmith plays a significant role in the story's plot and Ranofer's character development.

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Zau sees Ranofer as a friend and values their companionship. He admires Ranofer's father for his skill as a master goldsmith, but feels betrayed when he learns about his involvement in illegal activities.

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Zinkoff's father is a mail carrier.

Who is the father of Abraham in the bible and what was his occupation?

Abraham's father was named Terah, his occupation is unknown. What is known is that he and all his family, except for Abraham, was Pagan.

What does ranofers future look like after his father died in the book the golden goblet?

He would have be apprenticed to Zau earlier. It would be much better without Gebu and all his beatings.