If you are asking about a 1960s era rock and roll band, it likely is the one still based in Louisville, Ky that was very popular locally and made a couple of songs played nationally, including "This Old Heart" written for them by the late James Brown.
In the Real Thing, when the monarchs first entered the artists studio, he thought they were fellow victims.
Mighty Music Band is a musical band that The Fresh Beat Band meets in Season 3. My guess is that they are a doppleganger version of The Fresh Beat Band. Not the look-alike type dopplegangers, but they are a band that is similar to The Fresh Beat Band such as personalities, outfits etc. My other guess is that Mighty Music Band members also have names simialr to The Fresh Beat Band. I believe that Mighty Music Band also has 4 band members just like The Fresh Beat Band.
No, Trivium are quite obviously not Satanic.
There is one song by the band, "band aid". Band Aid is a group comprised of other famous band members to raise money for charity efforts. There have been several different band aid bands.
CSS - band - was created in 2003.
Where did the Monarchs get there Power
Where did the Monarchs get there Power
the kings and queens if the world upheld monarchs. the beautiful monarchs were butterflies.
You need to give more information. What Monarchs? What period did these Monarchs reign?
Not all monarchs are queens, but all queens who are heads of state are monarchs. Kings are also monarchs.
Wembley Monarchs ended in 1950.
Monarchs (rulers, as in king, queen) of England.
No. Monarchs can't be found any where
Greensboro Monarchs ended in 1995.
Greensboro Monarchs was created in 1989.
Sacramento Monarchs ended in 2009.
Sacramento Monarchs was created in 1997.