yes Stella and Noah are best friends Stella and Noah both have boyfriends not just Stella
Syliane Stella's birth name is Syliane Stella Morell.
Stella Delcroix is 167 cm.
Stella Angelova was born in Bulgaria.
Stella Mooney's birth name is Stella Knferle.
Stella Mooney was born on October 17, 1947, in Ingolstadt, Germany.
Stella Mooney has: Performed in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Performed in "Gestern gelesen" in 1969. Played Cecily Cardew in "Mein Freund Bunbury" in 1970. Played Katharina in "Dalli Dalli" in 1971. Played herself in "Eins plus Eins gegen Zwei" in 1971. Played Bessie in "Die Blume von Hawaii" in 1971. Played Vivi Carlson in "Butler Parker" in 1972.
Buzz Mooney goes by Buzz Mooney.
Roger Mooney's birth name is Mooney, Roger A..
mooney mean's you moon people alot (showing your but) you don't want to be mooney
Art Mooney's birth name is Arthur Joseph Mooney.
Buzz Mooney's birth name is William Michael Mooney.
Derek Mooney's birth name is Derek James Mooney.
Gavin Mooney's birth name is Gavin Hugh Mooney.
Kelly Mooney's birth name is Kelly Ann Mooney.
Ralph Mooney's birth name is Ralph Eugene Mooney.